Chapter 8

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After the movie ended, Gabe and Dean were both crying. They ended up watching 5 feet apart. (If you haven't seen it and plan to, get a tissue box.)

"Dean, it was just a movie." Cas says, holding Dean.

"B-but!" Dean starts.


After everyone is not crying anymore, Dean and Cas go to their room, immediately passing out. They leave Gabe and Sam in the Dean cave, hoping that they'll talk.

"Sammy.." Gabe starts, looking up at Sam. They're sitting very close to one another, but not touching.

"Yes, Gabe?" Sam asks.

"I'm sorry about earlier in the arcade. If it made you uncomfortable or.." Gabe starts.

"Okay before you go any further, are we talking about our conversation or the almost kiss?" Sam asks.

"I wasn't going to bring up the almost kiss.. I was talking about the conversation, though we should probably talk about the other thing too." Gabe says, blushing and not meeting Sam's eyes.

"Gabe, look.. our conversation.. it didn't make me uncomfortable. It actually did the opposite. It's nice to know that you want us back," he starts.

"Obviously. I love us, Sam." Gabe says.

Sam smiles. "Yeah, but the almost kiss.. that wasn't your-doing. That was me. I probably shouldn't have.. but I.. I do still really want you Gabe. I just need to forgive and forget before we can get to that next step."  Sam says, blushing. He actually almost kissed Gabriel.

"But.. you do want to get to that next step?" Gabe asks, nervously. He looks up and Sam and Sam wraps his arm around Gabe's shoulder, pulling Gabe down to lay on Sam's chest.

"Yeah. I do." Sam says.

The two lay like this for a few minutes before Gabe exclaims, "We should have a slumber party!" Gabe suggests, happily.

Sam laughs at how cute Gabe is. "Okay, where? Here?" Sam asks, smiling.

"No no, my room, we can make a fort over the bed!" Gabe says, hopping up excitedly and grabbing Sam's arm. "Cmonnnnnn!" He groans, trying to pull Sam up.

Sam just stayed there, laughing at Gabe's efforts on trying to get Sam up. Sam weighs way more than Gabe, and he almost never used his angelic powers for lifting things, only getting candy.

Gabe heard this thought of Sam's and immediately facepalmed. "Good idea." He says as he snaps and Sam is basically floating.

"Ah- Gabe! Put me down!" Sam says, squirming in mid air.

"Nah, you look cute when you're terrified." Gabe says, walking to his room, Sam following in the air.

When they get so Gabe's room, Gabe uses his grace to throw Sam onto the bed. Sam blushes. "What?" Gabe asks.

"N-nothing.." Sam mutters, not meeting Gabe's eyes.

Gabe climbs onto the bed and sits on Sam's lower stomach. "What was that Sammy?" He asks, teasingly.

"N-nothing" Sam stutters, shifting himself under Gabe's weight.

Gabe smirks. He knows what he's doing to Sam. "Dammit, c'mere." Sam says, grabbing Gabe and pulling him down, level with Sam's face. Sam leans up and slowly meets Gabe's lips, kissing him softly. Gabe smiles deeply into the kiss and collapses his body onto Sam's.

Sam has one of his hand's on Gabe's lower back and the other on the back of his head. Gabe's hands are on Sam's face, pulling Sam in even more.

Gabe pulls back and relaxes against Sam's chest. "Was that alright Sam?" Gabe asks softly.

"Yeah. That was okay." Sam says, smiling down. He kisses the top of Gabe's hair and Gabe nuzzles into Sam's chest. "I know I haven't said this in a while but I really do love you Gabriel." Sam says, smiling.

Gabe looks up at Sam. "I love you too Sammy." Gabe says. He finally has Sam.

"I'm still trying to get over it, though. I promise, I'm here with you, always." Sam clarifies.

"That's okay, Sammy. I know it'll take some time, but for now, what is this?" Gabe asks, he really wants to be something more with Sam, but what if he doesn't want to...

"How about for now we're best friends but we do this..?" Sam asks. He wants to keep Gabe as his best friend, but he wants to keep on doing this.

"Yeah- okay." Gabe says, almost sadly.

"What is it?" Sam asks, hearing the sadness in Gabe's voice.

"No- it's nothing. I just... I wish that we could be more.. I mean.. we love each other and I don't know about you, but I see a future with you. I want you in the rest of my life." Gabe says.

"But gabe.. you're an angel. You'll be alive for like forever.. I won't." Sam says sadly.

"No. Me and you have something special. There's a way we can both be here forever, if you don't want to do that though, I'd give up my grace for you. I'd become human." Gabe says.

"What do you mean?" Sam asks.

"Me and you have an angelic bond and we can make it to where we can both live forever." Gabe explains. "Never mind.. we can talk about this some other time." Gabe says.

"Okay.." Sam says, wrapping his arm around Gabe and rolling onto his side. "I'm sorry I can't be more with you right now.. it's really hard for me even if you two were drunk." Sam says, looking at Gabe in his eyes.

"I know. I just.. it's taking so long." Gabe mutters.

"Well, I don't know what to tell you. I'm trying." Sam says, getting somewhat angry. He just told Gabe he loves him and that he wants to try to get past this but Gabe just can't accept it. "Why do you have to have me as more? Why can't we just be us?" Sam asks, raising his voice a little.

Gabe and Sam both sit up. "Look, if you don't want to be more with me then fine. But quit leading me on!" Gabe responds. "I know I hurt you but too fucking bad! It's over and done. We can't change that now." Gabe says this and sees Sam's face drop from that loving look to anger and hatred.

Sam starts to get out of the bed mumbling something, but Gabe grabs his hand before he can leave. "Sammy- I'm sorry." Gabe says softly.

"No." Sam says simply as he walks out of Gabe's bedroom, pissed off.

Gabe plops back down onto his bed, running both hands over his face. "Fuck. I'm an idiot." He says.

I'm So Sorry, Forgive Me?// sabriel/destielWhere stories live. Discover now