Chapter 3

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"What the hell do you mean?!" He demands an answer.

She smacks him in the face. "Don't raise your voice at me, boy. I'm in charge here." She says, eyes turning black. Fuck- she's a demon. How could he not have been more careful?!

Sam starts to recite an exorcism at her but she doesn't flinch as she slaps a piece of duct tape against his mouth. "Now Sammy. I'm gonna play with you until you're completely broken." She states, wrapping her hand around Sam's throat.


"Where the hell could he be?!" Dean panics. He hasn't seen his brother in well over 24 hours.

"Dean he's pissed at us, he's not just gonna come home." Gabriel says, also pacing. "Fuck fuck fuck! Why are we so damned stupid?!" Gave yells, throwing a whole bunch of books off of the bookshelf.

Cas walks into the room as Dean and Gabe are full on panicking. "Dean! Calm down, he's okay. He probably just went somewhere and got drunk. He's fine." Cas says, trying to calm down the hunter.

"That's not any fucking better Cas!" Gabe yells from behind him. "He could he fucking dead!" He yells as he starts to hyperventilate.

"No! No he's not dead. Dammit!" Cas yells making both of the other boys stop in their tracks. "Stop fucking worrying! We can go look for him and do tracking spells and holy fuck, you guys he's pissed at you two he's not just gonna come back right away and be fine! He's broken!" Cas yells.

Dean sits down on the couch, thinking while Gabriel sinks down the wall and cries. "Gabriel, cmon- we can't cry about this. It's going to be fine." Cas says, walking over to his brother.

"He hates us Cas." He says, crying even more.

Dean walks over to Gabe and squats next to him. "Gabe- Cas is right. We can't break down because of this. He is mad at me and you but he will get over it. We were drunk and once we explain that to him he will be okay after a while. It'll take time but I swear, he'll still love us. Okay?" Dean says, placing his hand on Gabe's shoulder.

"Yeah- okay." Gabe says, wiping away his tears. "We're so stupid." He says, looking up at dean.

"Yeah. We are." Dean agrees, sitting on the ground with Gabe. "We should call again, maybe he was asleep or something." Dean suggests, looking up at Cas.

Cas nods and goes to find Dean's phone. He comes back with the phone, a laptop, a lollipop for Gabriel, and some coffee for Dean. "Thank you Cassie." Gabe says, putting the lollipop in his mouth.

Dean takes the phone and Cas sits down next to the two. He dials Sam's number and it goes to voicemail. "Sammy, it's me. Look we are so sorry and we love you so much. We were drunk, it didn't mean anything. Just please come home." Dean says, hanging up the phone.

"It's going to be okay, Dean." Cas says, setting his hand on the hunter's shoulder. Dean brings his hand up and sets it onto Cas', running his thumb along the other's fingers.

"Sooooo..." Gabe says, sending a suggestive look to the two.

Dean looks at the two's hands and blushes. He moves his hand away and Cas does the same. "No no. Don't stop on my account." Gabe says, raising his eyebrows at the two.

"Gabriel you know good and well-" Cas starts.

"I know I know." Gabe says, defeated. "Let's do that tracking spell." He says, pulling out all the ingredients needed from thin air.


"Fuck Sammy." The demon states. "Didn't know you could be so much fun." She says, wiping the sweat from her eyebrow.

Sam is laying there, bruised up from the demon's beating. He thought it would be much worse than just punching, but thankfully it wasn't. "Now Sammy. Why don't you tell me where your brother and the angels are?" She says, taking the tape off of Sam's mouth.

Sam sucks in a breath and let's it go. "No." He refuses. Even if he's mad at them, he won't put them in physical danger.

"No? Ohhh boy this is getting interesting." She says, slapping the tape back on and getting a whip from a table. She rares it back and lands it directly onto Sam's thighs making him scream under the tape.

She smirks as she rares it back again and again repeating the process all over his body.

By the end of it, Sam is on the verge of passing out. "Ready to give it up now Sammy?" She asks. Sam looks at her with pleading eyes. She takes the tape off. "Yes or no?" She asks.

Sam doesn't even have to think about it. After the beating and all, he still will not give this up. "No." He says, once again.

"Suit yourself." She says, putting the tape back on and whipping him once again, instantly knocking him out.


"The spell says he's in..." Gabe says, tracing his finger along the lines of all the towns. "Montgomery?" He says as more of a question.

"What the hell is he doing in Alabama?" Dean asks, looking up at the other two boys.

"I have no clue. Does he know anyone there?" Cas asks.

"Not that I know of." Dean replies. "How the hell are we supposed to get there? He took my baby." Dean groans.

Cas just looks at Gabriel and Gabe snaps, making them all appear in Montgomery, Alabama. "Well I guess that works." Dean says, holding onto Cas' arm for support. Those jumps always made him dizzy.

Cas stands there awkwardly, supporting Dean while Gabe shoots those suggestive looks at them.

"Gabriel." Cas says, pulling Gabe out of his trance.

"Yeah yeah. Let's go find Sammy." He says, turning around. Dean lets go of Cas and awkwardly follows.

I'm So Sorry, Forgive Me?// sabriel/destielWhere stories live. Discover now