Chapter 9

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A few days passes and Gabe and Sam haven't talked.. again. Dean tries to talk to Sam about the two, but Sam refuses saying, 'if he wants to talk, he'll come to me. Otherwise, I'm not talking about it.'

Cas and Dean are both sad for Sam and Gabriel. They saw how happy the two were when they went bowling and when they watched the movie. They all just wish it went back to normal.

Now, Gabe, Dean, Cas, and Sam are all sitting in the map table room, discussing how the supernatural world has been quiet.

"Hey Dean, can I speak to you in private?" Gabe asks, pulling Dean out of the room.

"What is it Gabe?" Dean asks, worried.

"I just- how's Sammy? I hurt him.. again and I'm an idiot." Gabe says, looking down sadly. "Just please.. how is he?" He asks, once again.

"Gabe, he needs you. What happened? You two were doing fine!" Dean exclaims.

"I know. I'm an idiot and I fucked it up, as usual." Gabe says sadly. He wishes he didn't say any of that. Sam wanted him. He wanted Gabriel and loved him, weather it was a relationship or not.

"What did you do?" Dean asks, protectively. He wants his brother to be happy but he wants him happy with Gabe.

"I was an ass. We were talking and he said he wanted us to be best friends that are coupley.. but I got pissed off. I ended up saying that it's too fucking bad that I hurt him. I didn't mean it but I just want us to be us again." Gabe admits quietly.

"What?! Gabriel!" Dean says loudly. "Why would you do that!?" He asks, quieting down.

"I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to say it.. I just miss him so much and I want him." Gabe says, starting to cry silently.

"God- Gabriel.. it's okay, come here.." Dean says, opening his arms for a hug. He pulls Gabe in and hugs him. Dean's hand goes into Gabe's hair and Gabe tries to calm down. "Look," Dean says, pulling back. "I promise, he'll forgive you, okay?" Dean says, pushing the smaller boy's hair out of his face.

"Yeah. I hope so." Gabe says, wiping away his tears.

"He will. Just give it time and think before you speak." Dean says, walking back into the map table room to see Sam and Cas hugging. Cas shakes his head at Dean and Dean returns the look.


Later that night, Dean and Cas are in bed and Sam and Gabe are in their own rooms. Dean rolls over and asks quietly, "you still awake?"

"Yes, can't stop thinking." Cas replies. He wraps his arms around Dean and kisses him softly.

"What are you thinkin about?" Dean asks after they pull back from the kiss.

"Sam and Gabriel." Cas replies.

Dean nuzzles his head into Cas' neck. "They are so dumb. Just forgive and forget." Dean says.

"It's not that easy, Dean." Cas says, running his fingers through Dean's hair.

"It was for you.." Dean counters.

"No, it wasn't. You were- are my best friend and that made it easier. You weren't the guy who I've been completely head over heels for for the past.. forever." Cas says.

"Wow. Thanks." Dean says, chuckling.

"You know I didn't mean it like that." Cas says, also chuckling. "Sam has been in love with him since they met, and Gabe has been somewhat of an ass to Sam, but also they have that special thing. And I'm not talking about the angel bond, they just have that human aspect to them." Cas says.

"Yeah, they're in love. Human love." Dean says. "We have to get them together. They keep fighting and avoiding. They shouldn't be able to avoid." Dean says.

"I agree. We need a plan though." Cas says.

"How about we lock them in a closet together, make them talk it out?" Dean suggests.

"No, that's too simple." Cas says. "How about we find a case far away and be on the road for hours. They will sit in the back seat and we'll bring it up, making them talk about it." Cas suggests.

"Yeah, that sounds good." Dean saya, yawning into Cas' neck.

"Go to sleep baby." Cas says, kissing the top of Dean's head.

"But I wanna stay awake and talk to you." Dean complains, kissing Cas' neck. Cas shivers and Dean grins.

"Babe, you're tired." Cas says simply.

"No, I wanna have some fun first." Dean says as he gets on top of Cas' lap. "Kiss me." He says. Cas leans up and kisses Dean softly. They're both tired but they always want to be together in any way possible.

"Dean-" Cas groans, thrusting his hips up into Dean's.

"This'll be fun." Dean says as he goes to town on Cas' neck.


Sam lays silently in his bed, hearing some things, he'd rather not, coming from Dean and Cas' room. He hears a knock on his door, and knowing who it is, he pretends like he's asleep.

Gabe walks into Sam's room, seeing him lying there on top of his covers with his lamp on. "Oh Sammy." He whispers as he somehow manages to get him under the covers. He turns the lamp off but stays there with Sam. "I'm so sorry Sammy. I love you so much. I just.. I'm an ass and it's always been easier for me to run away from my problems.." Gabe says, grabbing ahold of Sam's hand. "I love you Sammy. Goodnight." He says as he kisses Sam's knuckles. Then, he gets up and walks away.

I'm So Sorry, Forgive Me?// sabriel/destielWhere stories live. Discover now