Part 1

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Hails will you marry me?... "yes!"

Three months later and the shit hits the fan. Hailey and Hank thought they really got away with murder, but the truth is they didn't. Sometimes your demons come back to haunt you, but in this case theirs is  about to bite everyone.

Hank and the team was working their cases like normal, but this day was different the FBI Team from New York decided they needed assistance. Little did Hank and Hailey know that it was time to pay for what they did. The FBI did have a case to work, but their case tied back into The man Hailey killed and the body of the man Hank took care of.

The FBI was made aware when the best friend of the man called in and reported what he had seen. He left a voice mail of every detail, and said that if something was to happen to him the two people who shot Roy was Upton and Voight. Once the FBI looked into the matter they started building a case, and for both it wasn't looking good. Hailey was now looking at 2 bodies, one of Darius and the other Roy. Hank had an entire list of punishable offenses, but this is what they were looking at.

Good morning everyone, we've been asked to assist the FBI today, they're from New York. Everyone be on your best behavior and let's solve their case.

Adam looked at Hank, "when will they be here."

Trudy comes walking up the stairs with the team in tow, "guys this the FBI".

Thanks Trudy!

Oh I was about to forget they brought a old colleague with them, "come on step forward princess!"

When Jay heard her say that, he immediately knew who it was. He hasn't seen or spoken to her in over 6 years, but here she is.

Erin? It's been so long.

Hi Hank, and yea it has been a while. I hope your doing good.

I am, I hope you are to..

Good morning everyone, my name is Special Agent Ramirez. This is my team, we got Jackson, Samantha, Brad, Cody and obviously you know Erin.

I'm Sergeant Hank, and this is my team, Adam, Kevin, Kim, Hailey, Jay.

Nice to meet you all, we've heard a lot about you and we happy to be working with you.

Hank quickly partnered everyone up with a member of his team, but Erin left no choice when she quickly walked to Kim. She wasn't ready to speak to everyone else yet.

Alrighty then, so as of 4 months ago a large Human trafficking operation was started here in Chicago. A man by the name of Royce but goes by Roy, was the king pin, but as of lately that has changed his operation started moving to New York. We had a CI close to the leader but he's been Mia for almost 3 months. We have intel someone else has taken over, so we're here to put an end to it and find Roy.

Hank let's get to work then!

We already have some locations so everyone can branch off and check out these spots.

Each duo grabbed 2 locations to check out before heading out. Everyone continued to give Erin an unpleasant look, but little do they know she holds the cards.

In Hanks car he and Ramirez was driving around looking for their location.

So how's she doing?

She great, hell amazing we are lucky to have her. She a hard worker, but that's no surprise. She became an ASAC in no time.

Wow, she didn't tell me that. I mean I haven't spoken to her in years but I'm glad to see she's got her head on straight.

They arrive at their first location and start scoping things out.

That night.... I thought we were familyWhere stories live. Discover now