Part 4

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"I don't know there's so much blood!"

"Kim you have to see where the blood is coming from. I have an ambulance on the way to your location."

Before checking on her co- workers she went to check the pulse of the 2 suspects. Both had faint pulses. She left them there to tend to the others. As she got closer there was movement at the bottom of the pile. Jay got up and looked down, that's when he realized it wasn't him that got shot, it was Erin. He quickly pulled himself together before analyzing her body. Jay tended to Erin and Kim tended to Jackson. Both agents were laying on the ground unconscious, they've lost so much blood. Jay went to check Erin's pulse again and it became weaker. He quickly went over her body to find the source of the bleeding. He then found the bullet wounds entrance but he didn't find an exit.

"The bullet has to be lodge in her chest, there's and entrance but no exit. How's Jackson doing?"

"He's hanging on by a thread he has a wound in his neck and it's not looking good. He barely has a pulse and his heart rate is slow."

"I think I hear the ambulance!"

As both Jay and Kim continue to hold both wounds the paramedics rushed in to each of their sides."

"Holy Crap is that Erin?"

"Yea, please Brett you gotta save her. She has kids waiting back at the station for her."

"I will do my best, let me see the wound."

"I only saw the one that was in her chest, I thought her vest would've taken the bullet but it didn't."

"Me and Foster will take Erin, and Chris and Sara will take him to med."

"Go ahead we gotta get the CSU and medical examiner here for their bodies."

"I'll try to keep y'all updated, and you might wanna tell Hank to meet us there."

As both sets of paramedics hauled ass out of the house, Brett called for an escort to the hospital. Erin was losing to much blood, she needed a straight shot there to the hospital or she wouldn't make it. It wasn't a surprise when the request was accepted immediately, once they were situated in the ambulance they followed the police escort.

"Brett into main!"

"Main copying, what do you got?"

"We have a GSW to the mid chest, bullet still in body cavity. Major hemorrhaging as well, we are 2 minutes out from med. there's a second ambulance behind us as well."

"Sara to main!"

"Main copying, what do you got?"

"GSW to the neck, possible spine injury, have Neuro on standby, be advised patient has coded twice and we were able to resuscitate patient."

"Med is waiting for your arrival!"

As both ambulances pulled up, Will took the first and Natalie took the second one. When Will opened the doors he was just as shocked.


"Patient is Erin Lindsay, GSW to the chest. Bullet is still lodged in the chest. Bp is really low as well, so she'll definitely need a transfusion."

"Bay three is available, I need O negative and a I need scans. Someone get Dr.Choi and prep an O.R."


"Patient is male possible mid 30s, GSW to the neck. Bullet is still lodged in the neck with a possible spinal injury. He did code twice in route. Bp is really low as well, so he'll definitely need a transfusion."

That night.... I thought we were familyWhere stories live. Discover now