Part 2

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Wow so I really don't have to guess who their dad is, your son looks just like him. Green eyes, freckles but your hair, and she's a splitting image of you.

I figured it wouldn't take you long to figure that part out.

Come in I have chicken nuggets and macaroni cooking for the kids , and Chinese take on the way for us.

Thank you, and as mentioned earlier this is Justin and Nadia.

"It so nice to meet you both, I'm your aunty Kim. This is my daughter Makayla.

It's a pleasure to meet you Makayla, I'm Erin me and your mom go way back.

While the food is cooking how about Makayla take Justin and Nadia in her room to play.

That'll be fun, go ahead munckins and behave yourselves.

Yes ma'am!

So, Why haven't you told him?

Trust me I really wanted to but time just kept passing by and eventually I just couldn't. I guess I let the pain between me and him get in the way of me telling him.

Well are you going to tell him while your here?

Honestly I don't know yet, when I came here I wanted no string and emotional attachments.

Come on Er he's their dad for crying out loud.

I know that, but there's something else.

What's wrong?

As much as I love Hank, you need to detach yourself away from intelligence.

Erin you scaring me what's going on?

You remember a case a while back with a man named Roy?

Yea, he was the man who shot an attacked me.

Do you what happened to him?

No, Hank never mentioned it.

What I'm about to tell you stays between us, do you understand.

Yea, just tell me what's going on?

A friend of Roy's made a call to us a few months ago, he left a voicemail telling us that Roy was dead. Then he told us he was murdered. He also said that if anything was to happen to him, someone did it.

Er, what are you trying to say?

The man said Upton and Voight killed Roy, more specifically Upton shot him and Hank got rid of the body.

Oh my g....

Exactly, so you have to find a contingency plan cause once they bring them in intelligence will fall.

What am I supposed to do, I can't go back to wearing blues.

Apply for the FBI, they have great benefits and the pay is amazing.

I'm not good enough!

You are more than enough, and trust me you already have a great recommendation from the boss.

Your the b...

Assistant Special Agent in Charge, this is my team so I am the boss.

So, that's why your team is here. To arrest Hank and Hailey, your his family how are you even working the case.

I'm working the trafficking side of the case. I'm not allowed to interfere, I took a deal the first time but I won't be taking another one especially when I have kids now.

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