Chapter 5

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A few days had passed, and Erin's comment still lingered in his head. He didn't understand what she meant by that, so his only option was to talk to her. That would all have to wait due to the fact that they had been called into the district. When Jay and Hailey arrived at the station the FBI team was already there. Jay figured he could talk to Erin now, but she shook her head as if she was telling him to leave her alone. He stood there so confused, but he could see the scared look on her face. Not much scared her but something must be wrong if she is this scared.

Ramirez stepped up first, but Jay could tell her breathing was escalating. He attempted to walk to her again but this time she waved him off. Jay could see that she was on the verge of breaking, but she didn't want his comfort. Jay was so busy watching Erin that he didn't notice Hailey staring at him. She was now more concerned, Jay had been thinking to much about Erin for her liking. She cleared her throat to snap Jay out of his gaze. It worked for a minute, but then he was back looking at her.

Hank then stepped out his office to join the briefing.

"Rami I can't be here, please let me take the kids and go. My part of the assignment is done!"

"I preferred if you stayed, but I understand. Go ahead!"

Erin quickly wiped her eyes and headed to the break room. The kids was sitting at the table coloring and eating donuts. This time Kim followed her in to the break room, she had an idea of what was about to happen. When Kim entered the room she immediately wrapped Erin up into a hug.

"I take it there about to do it now?"

"Yea and I can't watch them take Hank away, I feel like I betrayed him."

"Hank did this to himself, this is not on you. You've always put him first, you got 2 amazing kids that need their mom .....and their dad. I know you still haven't told him, but everything is about to change."

"I will tell him, the kids really want to meet him. Justin said he talked to Jay at the hospital. And he gave him a hug."

"I remember, Jay was beating himself up and Justin looked at him and called him Mr. Jay. It was the cutest interaction ever."

"I will tell him. He deserves to know."

As she finished packing up the kids work and trash, she looked through the window and saw Brady and Samantha walking upstairs. The had a Manila folder which I can I only presume is the warrants for Hank and Haileys arrest. Kim helped her with the kids as they walked out the break room, but Hank notice something off about Erin.

"Hey kiddo, what's wrong?"

"Mouse can you take the kids back to the hotel?"

"Yea, we'll see you later!"

"I'm sorry Hank, I'm so sorry!"

This grabbed everyone's attention, they had never heard Erin Lindsay apologize to Hank before. The room was now looking at her.

"Kiddo what's going on?"

"I..I.. I can't!"

"Your scaring me kiddo, what's going on?"

"Henry Voight?"

"What's this about?"

"Your under arrest for the murder Roy Walton, you have the right to remain silent..."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry Hank!"

"Kiddo this isn't your fault, I will get this fixed."

"Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you."

Everyone was now looking at Erin as if she was public enemy number 1. Adam was first to break the silence.

"Erin please tell me you had no idea and they just sprung this on you."

"I..I..I knew about this."

"For God sake Erin, he's your family. How could you do that to him."

Hailey then made her opinion noted.

"That man raised you, how could do that to him. Do you know what Roy did?"

"Yes, I know about Kim. Killing him wasn't going to even the playing field. His demons finally caught up to him."

"Oh righteous Erin knows better than everyone. Now your the holy one, did you forget you put a loaded gun in a man's mouth. You should've never came back here, the worst part is you don't belong here anymore. You've come here and fucked our team again, so just go."

"When I left they did tell me how you tried to replace me, my job, my spot, Jay and Hank. I knew my role in the group especially when it came to Hank, I didn't have to chase after him to look for absolution. They can hate me for Hank, but it wasn't me who put him in this position."

"What are you talking about Er?"

"Samantha, you can take this one."

"Hailey Upton you are under arrest for the murder of Roy Walton and Darius Walker, you have the right to remain silent, Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you."

"I did what I had to do to find a kid, so we're not the same!"

That's when the ball dropped, not only was Hank arrested but Hailey to. The team looked at her for answers.

"Please tell me that's not true?"

"Yes, a few month ago we received a call from a friend of Roy, he was at the scene the night Roy was killed."

"What about Darius Walker?"

"She fed him up to the gangs, we had C.I come forward and identified Hailey as being the one who ordered the hit."

"This is unbelievable, you knew about this and you didn't warn us?"

"I couldn't! I could be arrested for interfering with this case, but you all should know that intelligence will fall."

"What do you mean?"

"Ivory tower is aware of the situation, the fact that not 1 but 2 members of this team is being arrested for murder isn't the image they want. They're going to suspend the unit."

"What's going to happen to us?"

"Your gonna go back down to your blues again. You can transfer out if you want but your names are tarnished."

"Jay... I'm sorr..."

"You knew and didn't tell me?"

"I wanted to but I couldn't, not for the sake of my kids. The deal was I handled the trafficking side of the case and they would handle Hank and Hailey."

"I think it's time for you to leave."


"Just go!"

"Fine, I'll go!"

Kim looked at her, basically threatening her with her eyes.

"Tell him!"

"He told me to leave."

"Tell him or I will?"

"Tell me what?"

"Nothing, I'm leaving!"


"What's going on?"

"Their yours!"

"What's mine?"

"Justin and Nadia!"

"My What?"

" Their you fucking kids Jay."

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