[ Chapter 4 ]

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Content Warnings:

•Season 3 Spoilers
•Strong Language
•Panic Attack



"So, based on our limited research, Titans are essentially immortal." Your school teacher finished off her lesson and scanned the small classroom. "Any questions?" She asked, hands shot up immediately. "Yes, Izaak?" The teacher pointed to a brown-eyed ginger. "How is that possible? We all die, so why don't they?" The fair boy asked, utterly confused on the subject. "Well, with more research, hopefully, we will find out more but they do have a weak spot which is the nape of their neck." She drew a sloppy picture for reference to show the class. "If this chunk of flesh is removed, Titans are no longer immortal, and die. Otherwise, they live on, and on."

The rest of the questions from your classmates were drowned out by your wandering thoughts as you stared off into space. Figures slowly pooled into the small, square classroom which left you no other choice but to ignore the class. The room was then packed with kids and deceased relatives, no room for anyone else to join. Eventually, it had all gotten overwhelming but there was nothing you could do. You were still trying to figure out your powers since you only became aware of them over a year ago. Never before had you seen so many spirits loom about, even going somewhere as busy as the market.

Claustrophobia soon rose and restricted your movement which caused you to ball up in your own seat. Their silence was painful, which became the only thing you heard. It morphed into a sensational ringing in your ears and buzzed through to your brain which tickled it in an uncomfortable way. They would not go away. Instead, they grew closer and closer until they grazed your skin, causing you to claw at it for relief. You had lost your breath in the madness, hyperventilating in order to retain some amount of oxygen. You forgot how to breathe.

You sunk deep in the insanity, in a pool of transparent baby-blue faces of the dead. They begged to be heard, stealing your energy to remember what it felt like to be alive once more. There was nothing you could do. You lost yourself in them with no way out.

"Y/n!" The boom of your teacher's voice echoed through your dizzy head. When you slowly lifted it up, all eyes were on you. Your classmates were as silent as the dead but their eyes were the opposite of empty. Ms. Rees' amber eyes bored into your own, hands on her hips. She was irritated you had disrupted the class for no reason but you could not remember what happened. You sat still in your seat and held your breath, not daring to scan the room of piercing eyes from your peers. You already knew what they were thinking.

"Can she be any weirder?" A girl's voice spoke in your head. You recognized it as Mara, the girl who sat directly behind you. Then, more voices sprung about. "I always knew she was strange." "No wonder she doesn't have any friends." "She's doing it for attention." "She's probably crying over mommy again." The final voice hit you hard. Why would Izaak say such a thing? He was always polite to you but maybe that was only surface deep to save himself the trouble. It stuck with you, hurting your heart terribly.

It was not until tears pricked your eyes and cascaded down your puffy, red cheeks when Ms. Rees' face contorted. Immediately, she rushed to your side and knelt down, worried. All along, she thought you had turned and decided to be disruptive when in fact, you were in distress. She should have known since you were always well-behaved in class. "Y/n, what happened? Are you sick, dear?" Her voice was much calmer and motherly, something you had wished to hear before. When you did not answer her, she got back up and helped to escort you outside, away from your classmates and their internal teasing.

Walking Among Spirits (Levi x Reader) [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now