[ Chapter 17 ]

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Content Warnings:

•Season 4 Part 1/2 Spoilers
•Mentions of Death
•Strong Language



The first time your classmates heard you didn't have a mother was an awkward day for you. The very first assignment of the new class was to draw your family to get to know each other better but yours did not go over so well. Excited to introduce your family members to your class, you eagerly raised your hand to be next to show the students your rough work, considering you were about eight-years-old at the time.

"Y/n, you may come up and show the class your work." Your teacher, Ms. Rees, announced and waited for you to approach the front of the class. You grabbed your paper and hopped out of your seat to address the fellow students with your work of art, which you held up proudly. "Hi! I'm Y/n and this is my family!" You smiled brightly in hope to make some friends. "That's my dad and these are my brothers, Tristan, and Quincy. Oh! And this is my dog, (dog's name). She/He's super nice and loves to play! I also added myself sitting next to her/him." You looked down at the paper in front of you to point at each spot.

The class was quiet as they took in your presentation, every one of them burned with the same question that would eventually come out. "Where's your mom?" A girl, named Maya, raised her hand to ask. Taken aback by her question, you exchanged a glance with your teacher before parting your lips to respond. "Maya, let's not ask questions until Y/n is done presenting and ready to take them." Ms. Rees quickly interrupted before you had the chance to answer. You could tell there was an awkwardness in the room from doing so.

When all fell silent again, you quietly spoke up. "I'm done presenting." Your mood had dipped quite dramatically, no longer as enthusiastic as you were just moments ago. Standing up from her seat, Ms. Rees looked out over the students. "Okay, class, do you have any questions for Y/n?" She asked a bit nervously, hoping they had forgotten the previous question already. However, all their hands shot up immediately. Carefully, Ms. Rees sat back down as she anticipated your next move. "I don't have a mom." You quietly announced to get it out of the way. As everyone took that in, their arms slowly dropped back down to their desks.

That's all they wanted to know, nothing about you. Just the answer as to why you had a single father, for as rare as it was in your time. That was only the start of your long road ahead, dealing with teases and questions regarding your absent mother.

Flashback End

You never thought you'd find yourself back here so soon. Not too long ago, you were visiting your brother after almost a year apart. Today, you kneel before one of your very close friends. You still wonder how she left so suddenly. One second, she was happy to go home after a long time hiding in Marley, the next second, departed to the afterlife. The look on her face when her soul separated from her physical body was one you could never forget. She looked disappointed yet... understanding. As if she had already come to terms with it in seconds.

How could she?

Drizzling rain eventually let's up, leaving you damp but drying as you stare at the multiple cards, and flowers adorning her headstone. As surreal as it is, this shouldn't be happening. This shouldn't be her under the dirt, no longer living. How is Sasha truly gone? Why is she even under there? You lose your sense of reality, confusing it for the reality in your mind, seeing those who are already deceased. Are they actually present? Is this real? Is any of this real?

Walking Among Spirits (Levi x Reader) [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now