[ Chapter 19 ]

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Content Warnings:

•Season 4 Part 2 Spoilers
•Mentions of Death
•Strong Language



You could not remember much before the time you finally woke up. In an unfamiliar room, you were alone for the time being, silent as you stared at an off-white wall. Your entire body felt achy and heavy, especially your head. When an itch made its presence on your neck, the ability to shift your arm was impossible, as your shoulder had been wrapped up. Pain surged throughout the limb and you had no memory, whatsoever. Why did it hurt so much? What even caused it?

Luckily, your left arm was spared, only sore with a few scratches, and bruises. Using it, you lifted it up from under the blanket to relieve your itchy neck. However, you felt another bandage on it. Your fingers traced the small wrap, which eventually led you to explore the side of your head, also wrapped around your forehead. Whatever happened, it seemed serious. You not only suffered trauma to your body but to your head as well. You probably had a concussion from whatever injury you sustained but you did not seem to suffer from any symptoms, as of then. You did not feel nauseous nor light-sensitive.

The moment a nurse entered the room, your confused eyes met her gentle, caring ones. The older woman fully slipped inside the recovery room and shut the door behind her before she approached your bedside. "How are you feeling, Miss (Last name)?" The light brunette smiled down at you. "Oh, just call me Y/n," You carefully shook your head, not a fan of the formality from an elder. "I'm just... a bit confused." You mumbled after, lips pursed. "Oh, yes. Your brother, I believe, brought you in after a high fall. You probably don't remember much when you first arrived." The woman answered as she adjusted the pillow behind your head.

"Not a thing." You replied, your upper body propped up a bit more. "It was yesterday night, not long after sundown. Your brother said you fell to the ground from pretty high up. That's all he was able to tell me. You were in and out of consciousness for awhile but we kept you awake for about five hours, at one point." The nurse responded. "Oh..." You mumbled, eyes down on your lap. You wished you could remember it for yourself. Not even your senses could pull memories.

"We did find this in your head, though." The woman pulled out a cloth with a piece of shrapnel. You turned your head to look at the small object and instantly recognized it as a part of your ODM Gear. It was one of the blades from an anchor, mostly cleaned of the blood. "In my head?" You repeated in disbelief, eyes on her golden-brown ones. "Yes, ma'am. It had pierced the side of your head. You also had cuts on your arm and leg, and the fall must have dislocated your shoulder but we were able to put it back in." Her words made you cringe slightly at the thought.

How hard did you fall? What even made you fall in the first place? All you knew was that your father was going to kill you when he found out. Which, he probably already knew at that point, considering Quincy could not keep any secret for too long.

"Thank you for everything." You eventually sighed out, relieved to be okay enough to have survived the accident. "Glad to see you're awake, Y/n. I'll bring your family when they visit." She smiled but before she walked away, she faced you once more. "I'll bring you some food and water, too. Can I get you anything else?" She offered, halfway to the door. You carefully shook your head, not able to think of anything. "I'm okay, thank you." You grinned slightly.

Walking Among Spirits (Levi x Reader) [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now