[ Chapter 14 ]

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Content Warnings:

•Season 4 part 2 Spoilers
•Season 2 Spoilers
•Strong Language



You had been a very lonely child before you met your best friend, Katsumi. There was no doubt about it. You never knew how to socialize with girls because all you did was shadow your older brothers who liked to wrestle or play outside. So, that's what you spent a majority of your time doing, rather than exploring little girl activities.

With lots of trials and only errors, your father began losing hope on making you feminine, accepting the fact that you were going to do whatever interested you the most, anyway. For that reason, he had an even worse time coming up with an idea on how to get you to make any friends. He hardly knew anyone who would willingly climb a tree with you, besides the boys in the neighborhood. That, and, the boys had enough of a problem letting you join them when they hung out.

You always felt defeated when no one paid you any mind, so, you would retreat back home after another day of rejection. This all started to turn around when your father accidentally stumbled across a stray dog, no more than a year old, wandering the street one day when he was out on a delivery run. What made him take the dog home was a bit of a mystery but you had your guesses. He probably pitied the poor mutt because she/he reminded him of you and all your loneliness, he felt bad. It seemed like the most logical reason.

The entire ride home was him debating on whether he should keep her/him or not but the second he got home and you laid your eyes on her/him, it was game over. Not wanting to tell you no, your father played it off and said that she/he was in fact a surprise for you, and not the fact that he spontaneously saved it without a plan in mind.

From then on, you and (dog's name) were inseparable, always attached at the hip, no matter where you went. When the neighborhood boys realized the dog belonged to you, they were a bit more open to letting you hang out but they were still hesitant, and not very open. Nor, did they talk to you much, anyway. Either way, you would take whatever you got, even if they only liked you for your dog. You weren't used to socializing, anyway, so you did not have a care in the world for whatever their intentions were. You were just happy enough to be around kids your age that weren't your brothers, for once.

Flashback End

In your shared bedroom, you dust off the few surfaces after being away from base for so long. Your squad had just gotten back from another month long trip to the port to help with its progress. While mindlessly tidying up, you hear a knock on the doorframe behind you, subconsciously looking over your shoulder. "Oh, hey, Conny." You wave, setting down the rag in your left/right hand. "Hey, Y/n. So... we know its kind of late but we have something for you." The short-haired boy rubs the back of his neck, stepping out of the way as Sasha appears beside him. "What do you mean?" You curl your brows in curiosity. "No more questions, just follow us!" The brunette girl jumps into your room to grip your wrist and pull you out.

"Hey, where are we going?" You nearly get the air knocked out of your lungs from the abrupt yank. "You'll see!" Sasha chimes as she quickly drags you down the hall with Conny. Deciding to just wait and find out, you can only chuckle at her behavior and allow her to lead you to wherever this "something" is. Arriving at the doors of the dining hall, you become even more curious, and confused. What are they planning? Or what did they plan? While Sasha continues to hold your wrist, Conny steps ahead to push the doors open, allowing you to enter. As soon as you get past the entrance, you scan the room and notice the rest of your squad sitting at one of the tables, waving you over.

Walking Among Spirits (Levi x Reader) [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now