[ Chapter 7 ]

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Content Warnings:

•Season 3 Spoilers
•Season 4 Spoilers
•Strong Language



Although you utterly despised going to the Girls Home to learn household chores and whatnot, you really did enjoy growing closer to Katsumi. Ever since you first met, she always made you feel welcomed and heard. Finally, you could sigh a breath of relief and talk about anything on your mind without a worry in the world. Someone was there and understood you. That was all you had wanted and needed.

As the years went on, your best friend became a family member, your sister, basically. You hung out every day, whether that be at the market or her coming over to help with the shop. She would do anything for you and you were more than appreciative. You didn't know how you could ever repay her for all of her kind acts. She also knew about your strange relationship with Tamara, your guide in the Girls Home. Even she agreed that the strawberry-blonde woman was a bit of an oddball. She was nice but also a villain behind closed doors. Why was that? The only answer you two could figure out was some type of weird personality but who would even know her true intentions?

Apart from your father's crazy girlfriend, Katsumi supported you through and through. Even if you wanted to do something that was probably, most definitely, dumb, she would be there for you. She knew that whatever you needed to do, it was for your own peace and she wouldn't blame you at all. A good person like her was hard to come by in the cruel world you resided in but you were grateful for her presence everyday.

The day you told her about the Scouts, she smiled and hugged you, glad you figured out what it was you wanted to get out of life. "What do I do about my dad, though?" You had asked when the realization struck. Katsumi simply looked at you with her gleaming caramel eyes and laughed. She knew you always thought about him and his feelings so it was no surprise to her. "I won't question his love for you but..." Katsumi paused. "I know he'll want the best for you, always." Her words made you feel a bit better but you also knew that it would be a long and hard process to convince him if you did decide to actually go. "I already know what you're thinking because he's a tough cookie. Do what's best in your heart, Y/n. You'll know what to do, you always seem to know." Her smile always made you feel relaxed, she was the only person you could confide in without judgement. Your selflessness wanted to join the Scouts to give everyone a better life, one that they deserved. You could not understand how humanity continued to live behind decades of restraints when freedom was so close.

Flashback End

"Y/n! Wake up!" A voice brings you out of your blacked-out state. "Shit, its bad!" The same voice curses, tightly holding onto your right arm. "What... the hell happened?" You mumble, hardly remembering a thing after Bertholdt escaped Mikasa. "Debris hit you and left a big gash on your head and arm." You recognize the voice as Sasha's. Blinking through your spotted vision, you look down to see your cloak ripped and wrapped around your trembling arm, soaked and stained in blood. "How's your head feeling?" The brunette girl asks, checking it over. "Numb." You whisper, not even feeling her tighten the fabric wrapped around your forehead. "Thank you, Sasha." You say quietly with a sigh, still processing everything. "No worries but you have a really slow reaction time." She lightly jokes, making you grin the tiniest bit.

"Mikasa! Armin!" You hear Jean exclaim when the sound of their wires whizz by. Looking up and over the pitch of the roof in front of you, the Colossal Titan tosses burning debris around, spreading fires throughout the city. Suddenly, a pile of debris lands on top of a house next to your hiding place, completely crushing it flat. "A-Armin! The fire! Your orders?!" Conny panics, not even trying to hide his fear. "Hurry it up!" Sasha shouts, making the blonde even more anxious. "Jean, can you take my place?" Armin asks once he makes a decision. Everyone turns to face Armin in a bit of surprise. "I just have no idea what to do..." He mumbles. "I was wrong reading Bertholdt, and look where it got us. Jean, you're better suited for this!" Now, turning to face Jean for his answer, he ultimately complies with the order. "Everyone abroad Eren! Conserve your gas!" Jean commands.

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