Picking Up the Pieces

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It was another day out on the seas. Ash, Iris, Cilan, and all of their Pokémon were sailing along on a large, quaint cruise ship, on their way to Kanto, Ash's home region. After a long and fun journey through Unova, with many ups and downs, it was nearly time for Ash to go home.

Of course, the ship took multiple detours, exploring the tourist destinations and islands alike. Within the vast ocean, they happened upon an archipelago known as the Decolore Islands. One of those islands was Scalchop Island, home of the annual Scalchop King and Scalchop Queen competitions.

Ash and the gang, along with the other travelers on the ship, stopped by this island to watch or partake in the event. In particular, one of Ash's Pokémon, an Oshawott of course, participated in the competition in the hopes of wooing queen Osharina, the winner of the females' side of the event.

After a long day, and an encounter with Team Rocket, the competition ended with Oshawott winning, but getting rejected yet again by Osharina, leaving his scalchop and his pride broken.

Embarrassed because he lost in front of his friends and crush, the young otter stayed to himself, quiet and sad, which was quite unlike him. The ship slowly chugged away towards the next island as Oshawott sighed, staring down at his broken scalchop before looking out to the sea once more, as the salty wind blew in his fur.

From afar, the trio of humans were concerned for Oshawott, as well as some of their Pokémon.

"Man, Oshawott hasn't been taking that loss well, huh?" Ash said, speaking to Iris and Cilan. "He'd usually perk up around this time."

"It makes sense why Oshawott wouldn't be back to his old self by now," Cilan responded. "He really put himself out there, just to get rejected in front of all of us, not to mention the fact that his scalchop broke. For Oshawotts and Dewotts, their scalchops are extremely important to them. It's even considered their pride, so it's quite embarrassing that it actually broke despite being quite durable," Cilan concluded, looking over at Oshawott.

"Everyone, we will be arriving at our next destination, Grand Spectrala Island, within the next 10 minutes," a voice rang over the ship's intercom.

"Ash, how about you go talk to Oshawott? We still have time before our next stop," Iris said, giving a comforting pat on Ash's right shoulder.

"I dunno Iris, I don't think he wants to talk to anyone right now. Maybe it's best if we leave him alone for now..." Ash solemnly responded, now gripping the sidebar of the ship he had been holding onto.

Iris and Cilan just nodded their heads in silence, understanding what Ash was going through. It always hurt to see one of your Pokémon in any type of pain, even if you knew that they were going to recover.

"Let's just return our Pokémon to their balls then," Cilan said, grabbing three Poké balls. Iris followed by also grabbing three Poké balls.

"I guess..." Ash slowly responded, reaching for four Poké balls. As he did so, Cilan and Iris had already returned their six Pokémon, and Axew and Pikachu had jumped onto their respective trainer's shoulders. As Ash was returning his Pokémon, Pignite had avoided the red beam multiple times, staying adamant about staying out of his Poké ball.

"Pignite, what's wrong? Why won't you return?" Ash questioned, lowering his arm with Pignite's Poké ball still in his hand.

"Pig, Pignite pig," the fire pig responded, pointing in Oshawott's direction.

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