Bonds at The Village of Dragons

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Ash, Iris, and Cilan were visiting the Village of Dragons, a sacred place that many of Unova's dragon type trainers have resided at or visited at least once in their lives. Despite being quite large, it was often quiet and peaceful, save for the occasional Pokémon battle or dragon Pokémon rampage.

The trio were there on account of Iris wanting to go back to her roots, since this was her hometown- er, village, after all. It worked out for their travels, since it wasn't too far from another well-known area for dragon trainers and masters; Opelucid City.

Speaking of which, Drayden himself, Iris's old mentor, mayor and gym leader of Opelucid City, just so happened to be visiting the village as well. Of course, our trio and Drayden crossed paths, prompting a conversation between the two dragon trainers.

"I see you've really grown since I last saw you, Iris," Drayden said, stopping in his tracks to initiate the conversation. His voice was gruff and stern, and his gaze upon the trio was harsh. Ash and Cilan were scared of the brooding man while Iris gulped, feeling more nervous than scared.

"Y-You know this guy Iris?" Ash asked, prompting Iris to give an annoyed sigh as Cilan deadpanned, snapping his head towards the uninformed 10 year old.

"Ash, this is Drayden, the dragon type gym leader!" The connoisseur harshly whispered in Ash's direction, causing a lightbulb to go off in Ash's head. Drayden growled lightly in annoyance, causing Ash and Cilan to tense up and stare at the dragon type trainer, freezing in their spots.

"Yes," Iris finally said something, sighing again. "He's not only a gym leader, but he was also my mentor when I was younger."

Drayden nodded in confirmation, as Ash and Cilan loosened up a little, still staring into Drayden's pale, yellow eyes with fear. His cold gaze struck fear into nearly everyone he had met, and it was intimidating even if he wasn't focused on you. It didn't help that he looked perpetually angry.

"How have Axew and Excadrill been?" Drayden plainly asked.

"They've been fine," Iris said, prompting her to grab Excadrill's Poké ball to show the old man that she was a capable trainer.

After finding it, she tossed the ball onto the ground, the blue light and white sparkles shining as Excadrill came out of his Poké ball, looking up to see the familiar face. Drayden crouched down quickly to get a better look, as the steel mole gave an angry frown to the dragon master.

As Drayden examined Excadrill, Ash and Cilan were helping Iris with getting Axew out of her hair. The young dragon liked hiding in it, not only for the novelty, but as a source of comfort for when he got nervous or scared. Right now, he was scared of Drayden, since he didn't know him too well, and judging by Ash and Cilan's reactions, he was probably really scary too.

"C'mon Axew, get out!" Iris exclaimed, feeling the dragon burrowing deeper into her hair as Ash and Cilan dug even deeper, trying to get him out. Even Pikachu was trying to help, attempting to soothe the scared dragon.

"Axew, there's nothing to be scared of! Come on out already!" Ash said, accidently tugging on a strand of Iris' hair.

"OW!" she yelled, causing Ash and Cilan to let go of her hair immediately.

"Don't either of you boys know how to go through hair!?"

Ash and Cilan sighed in defeat, with Cilan looking down at the ground in disappointment and Ash looking away as he scratched his chin thoughtfully.

Tired of their shenanigans, Drayden got up from crouching, rumbling slightly as the trio of trainers focused their attention back onto the dragon master. He then swiftly pulled out a whistle from his pocket, wiping it off before putting it into his mouth. Drayden then blew into it lightly. To the humans, it was a faint droning sound, but specifically to dragon type Pokémon.....

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