Painful Memories

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After traveling along the grassy fields of route 7, Ash, Iris, and Cilan decided to stop at the base of Twist Mountain to take a rest and eat dinner. It was nearly twilight, with the sky donning a soft lavender color as the pastel oranges and yellows began to slowly fade away.

Ash and the gang had decided to let their Pokémon out of their Poké balls to mingle and get some fresh air, while they were busy setting up camp and making dinner. Most of the Pokémon mulled around, with the exception of Axew and Scraggy, who were playing tag, Pignite and Excadrill, who were having a friendly strength competition as some other Pokémon watched, and Stunfisk and Krokorok, as they hung out close to the entrance of the mountain they were going to explore the next day...

And then, there was Snivy.

While all of the other Pokémon were together and having a good time, the grass snake kept to herself. That wasn't strange, however; Snivy usually went off a small distance to relax on her own, preferring to watch over the other Pokémon, though she didn't mind if others wanted to stop by to talk for a little while.

However, Snivy had been... acting differently lately. Instead of watching the other Pokémon from a short distance, she moved even farther away, refusing to talk to anybody, even Ash himself. She was pushing her friends away.

In response, Ash, Iris, and Cilan felt it would be best if they left Snivy alone, even telling their Pokémon that they should leave her alone as well.

That didn't stop some of the Pokémon from trying, however.

By this point, Unfezant and Pignite had already tried having their own heart-to-hearts with the snake, but to no avail. She put on a brave face, lying when she said that everything was fine. Both Pokémon, along with all of the others, knew that she was hurting, but she wouldn't open up to anybody. The snake had even snapped at the recently evolved pig when he tried to push for the truth.

For now, it seemed like they just had to hope that Snivy opened up, but one Pokémon in particular wanted to try talking to the snake first...

The mischievous, electric-flying squirrel wanted to see if Snivy would open up to her.

Emolga wasn't really in the mood to be with too many Pokémon right now anyways, partially thanks to her hunger. It would be a surprise to the snake if Emolga of all people came to see what was up with her. They were enemies at first, after all, before becoming more friendly with each other after Emolga shaped up and became a... slightly better person. One who didn't manipulate people to fetch food for her anymore.

In fact, even after being on friendly terms for quite a while, it wasn't 100 percent clear to either of the Pokémon if they had just made a truce or if they actually cared for one another, since they never really showed it.

Man, this was going to be harder than Emolga thought.

As she flew quietly through the air, Emolga looked through the treetops, before spotting the snake in a clearing, laying against a tree with a sad look on her face. Well, it wasn't much different from her resting face, but her mouth was curved downwards to a small, but noticeable frown, and her eyes seemed to be watery, as if she was holding back from crying.

After spotting Snivy, Emolga quietly made her descent, landing a little ways away from the clearing so as not to frighten the snake. She then walked her way over to Snivy, hands behind her back as the snake had finally noticed her, slightly flinching as she instinctively put her shoulders up defensively, as if the flying squirrel was going to bombard her with attacks of some kind. Whether they were physical or emotional, it didn't matter.

"Hey Sniv," Emolga said in the softest voice she could muster, awkwardly stopping in front of the snake. In response, Snivy just curled up a bit, sitting up straight, but still looking at the ground. She said nothing.

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