Young Love

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It was a crisp summer afternoon in the Hoenn region. Tailow and Swellow flew through the air in flocks as the sun beat down on all of the inhabitants of the region. Around this time, many humans and Pokémon could be found vacationing in towns such as Lilycove and Sootopolis considering the ocean was very close by from those two locations.

Another popular vacation spot was, surprisingly, Fortree City; It was quite a distance from the ocean, and had a relatively small population compared to most other towns. However, since the city was elevated high above the region, it was very windy, which gave cool refreshing air, as well as a view of most of the land. It also helped that it was connected to Route 119, which was a favorite among the people for housing the Weather Institute, as well as having multiple terrains for traveling and exercise.

One of the visiting trainers was a young man named Michael, who hailed from the Johto region. Every year, he and his Pokémon visited Hoenn during the summertime, residing at Fortree City's motel. They stayed in two rooms, one just for Michael and the other for his Pokémon. Despite only having about seven rooms, the motel was able to house some of the larger Pokémon.

The blonde haired man was relaxing in his room, sitting lazily on a chair as light was slowly dissipating into the room. In the room across from him were his Pokémon, some of which were excitedly buzzing around the tv.

Those Pokémon were watching an important battle between the current Hoenn champion, Steven Stone, and the newest upcoming challenger, Brendan. The battle was nearly down to the wire, with Steven having three Pokémon left while Brendan only had one, that being his starter Sceptile. It was fighting against Steven's Armaldo, trying its best for it's trainer.

"Man, this battle is intense!" A Lucario exclaimed, struggling to stay still in his seat.

"Ah, you say that about every battle Luke," a Leafeon softly said, laying down as she watched over a Snivy and Oshawott preparing a lunch of sorts.

"Besides, it looks like the challenger isn't even going to win. No way Steven loses a three-one lead."

Luke adjusted his seat to look back at the Leafeon.

"But that's what makes it so intense! You never know if the losing trainer could change the tide of battle or not. That Sceptile still has a fighting chance." Luke frowned a little, shaking his head slightly. "You always have to be such a downer, huh Petal?"

Petal scoffed at the statement, waving it off as she focused her attention on the other two Pokémon. "Nothing wrong with being realistic."

The Snivy and Oshawott chuckled at that, receiving a glare from Petal. They ceased their chuckling immediately, looking away as they were almost done with preparing their lunches. Petal sighed, softening her glare as Luke turned back around to continue watching the battle.

Steven had two Pokémon now, while Sceptile was still kicking, fighting against Steven's Skarmory. As the Skarmory went for a Toxic, an Alolan Vulpix could be heard cooing, causing Luke to look over to his right.

"Hehe, I tink Petal's wight," a young Pikachu said, wagging her heart-shaped tail around excitedly. She was sitting next to the cooing baby. "That Ska-morey is verry stwong."

Luke chuckled, his ears flicking back and forth as he looked back to the tv. "There's always a chance Pika....."

The Pokémon sat in near silence for a minute, as Luke and Pika watched the screen with bated breath. Only the sounds from the battle and the Snivy and Oshawott's rummaging could be heard.

After Brendan's Sceptile used a final Hidden Power on Steven's Skarmory, Luke and Pika shot up from their seats excitedly, causing Petal to flinch before looking over.

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