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Late at night, on top of the Mistralton City Pokémon Center laid a certain grass snake. Quiet and reserved, she sighed softly, looking up at the night sky. It was decorated in stars, plastering many spots on the black void from afar.

Snivy had climbed to the roof in an attempt to clear her thoughts and relax a little. She aimlessly looked up and a little around, not really taking in her surroundings. The grass type was usually on edge, so it seemed that coming up here did help the snake relax.

This peace wouldn't last for much longer, however.

Snivy took in a deep breath, sliding her arms against the cold concrete as she moved them up and behind her head. She also crossed her stubby legs, letting the half moon's light shine down on her. The snake basked in it, her eyes slightly drooping from tiredness.

She shook it off, not ready to fall asleep just yet. Snivy shifted in her spot a little, and as she did so, some noises could be heard from below.

That caused Snivy to quickly uncross her legs and move her arms out from under her head. The snake was now back on edge.

"Who could that be at this time of night?" Snivy thought, sliding down the roof to see what was going on. She peeked over the railing to see a blue tail sticking out of a now opened window on the lower floor.

Snivy's eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the person currently climbing out the window.

"What's Oshawott doing out here?" The snake whispered. She watched as the otter carefully moved out the window, closing it behind him. He went forward, as it seemed that he was trying to get a better view of the night sky, considering his head was turned up.

Snivy was feeling nervous now, a little worried that Oshawott would see her. It didn't help that she just so happened to have a crush on the otter!

Speaking of which, the grass type thought about how weird it was that she was watching him without his knowledge. She felt a little embarrassed, deciding to jump down before it got any weirder for her.

Snivy stood up, jumping down next to the otter gracefully. Oshawott jolted in his spot, obviously not expecting company.

"Oh geez... it's just you, Snivy," Oshawott said, sighing a sigh of relief. "What are you doing out here?"

"I just felt like getting some fresh air, is all," Snivy shrugged, crossing her leafy arms in an attempt to look relaxed. The snake's heart was beating fast and her face was feeling a little warm now.

"Sorry for scaring you, by the way."

The water type chuckled, smiling at Snivy. "Nah, it's all fine."

The two Pokémon looked ahead, both of them looking up at the night sky. After a little silence, Snivy spoke up, not looking over at the otter.

"So, what are you doing out here? You should be getting some sleep."

"Eh, I couldn't sleep, the room's a little stuffy and Pignite's snoring wasn't doing me any favors," Oshawott responded, flicking his ears slightly. "At least it's nice out tonight."

Snivy nodded her head in agreeance, despite it being a bit cold in her opinion.

"Heh, it's also nice to have someone to talk to," Oshawott said, looking over to Snivy with a smile on his face. Feeling his gaze, the grass type squeaked quietly, her face turning a little more red.

Oshawott x Snivy Oneshot CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now