Let Me Help You

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"Come on out everyone!" A familiar black-haired boy exclaimed, tossing up five Poké Balls into the air. They all opened simultaneously, releasing the Pokémon inside with a bright, white light. From left to right landed Oshawott, Unfezant, Krookodile, Snivy, and Leavanny, all lined up in front of their trainer.

Iris and Cilan's Pokémon were already out and about by this point, with  Excadrill, Crustle, and Stunfisk being off on their own already while the rest hung around.

"You guys can go ahead and play while Cilan makes dinner!" Ash smiled brightly at his Pokémon, as Pikachu hopped down from his shoulder to mingle with the others. All of Ash's Pokémon made sounds of joy at hearing that, all except for a certain green snake.

Snivy was never one to cheer over something as simple as food, after all.

She slithered away from the group as they dispersed, wanting to be alone for the night. Snivy saw that they were surrounded by many trees with no paved road nearby, signaling to her that they were in a forest.

The gang had been traveling to Virbank City so Ash could get his eighth and final gym badge. They back traveled all the way through to Castelia City, where they went the opposite direction from where they initially came from all those months ago. It had been a long journey, and it was nearing its end…

The grass type made her way past trees, trying to find the right one to lay down on up in the treetops. Her head pointed directly up when looking at the top of said trees, and she could see the orange sky past the leaves. 

It seems that they were going to have a very late dinner, the snake thought, not thinking too much about it as she finally found a good spot to hang out in. Covered by leaves so Unfezant and Emolga couldn't see her, and the other Pokémon would have to look up to spot her from below.


Snivy smirked a little, beginning her ascent. Her small leafy paws were good for sneakingly grabbing the bark of the tree to climb higher and quietly. Despite feeling a little tired, her arms were strong enough to carry herself up the tree without needing to use her vines, and within the next minute she was up there.

A long, thick branch extended from out of the tree near the top, and Snivy hoisted herself onto it, laying down with her paws on her stomach as she lazily let a leg hang to the side. It certainly wasn't the most comfortable, but she did want to lay down, even if only for about an hour.

She hung around for roughly ten minutes, before hearing footsteps from below. This made Snivy tense up, and she quickly looked downwards to see who it was. Her eyes landed on Oshawott, who was walking past the tree she was stationed in.

Snivy immediately felt relaxed, letting herself smile at the sight of the otter. She felt her face warm up a little, shaking it off as she didn't want to stare at him, even without him knowing. 

The snake couldn't deny her crush on the otter no matter how hard she tried. By this point she just accepted it, understanding what her feelings were towards him.

Snivy decided to readjust her position, looking away from Oshawott and shifting in her seat. She overcompensated though, shifting more than she meant to. Her balance was a little off today, so she accidentally tipped over the branch, sending the snake into freefall.

"Waugh!" Snivy exclaimed, not expecting to fall out of her spot. She didn't even fix her position in the air, nor did she use her vines to catch herself, allowing her body to just… fall.

Oshawott heard her yell in surprise, quickly turning around to find the source of the sound. He arrived just in time to see Snivy fall onto the ground on her left side, making the otter cringe upon hearing the thud and seeing the impact of the drop.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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