I'll Keep You Safe

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"H-Hey, slow down!" Axew exclaimed, running as fast as his stubby green feet could take him. His feet pounded down hard on the rocky road ahead of him as he attempted to chase after a certain orange lizard.

"Gotta be faster than that if you want to tag me!" Scraggy snarkily responded, not stopping as he held up his baggy pants while running.

The orange lizard and green dragon were having a frantic game of tag as Ash, Iris, and Cilan decided to stay at the daycare of Route 5 for another day. This was due to the fact that Iris wanted to stay for one more day in order to take care of some rambunctious Deino. Said Deino had been left at the daycare for a few weeks, with no sign of their trainer returning for the baby dragons. Iris felt that it was her duty to help take care of the Deino until their trainer, hopefully, returned.

Speaking of which, the Deino had wanted to join in on the game of tag, attempting to claw their way out of the purple-haired girl's arms.

"Aww, I know you boys want to play with the other Pokémon, but you're both a little too... extreme," Iris said, chuckling as one of the Deino began to cry a little. The dragon trainer then began to comfort the crying baby, rubbing his chest fur softly with the hand she was using to hold him back. The Deino slowly calmed down while his brother continued to try and escape Iris' clutches, thrashing around violently, failing to get out due to her strong grip on him.

From the distance, a certain green snake had been watching the whole ordeal, laying down against a tree that faced the daycare. Her eyes gazed left and right, watching Scraggy and Axew playing tag on one side while Iris was hanging out with the baby Deino on the other. The snake smiled softly at the sight, happy to see the running duo having fun and seeing Iris care for the dragons.

"Heh, rare ta see you smile," a gruff voice said from the side, causing Snivy's eyes to widen slightly and her smile to quickly fade away as she kept her cool.

"What are you talking about?" Snivy inquired, not looking over to see a smug Excadrill leaning against a tree with his arms crossed. The steel mole stayed in place as he responded.

"Oh, don't pretend with me, nothin' wrong with showing your emotions sometimes."

The snake crossed her arms, not moving her head as she looked all the way to the right to glare at Excadrill.

"What are you even doing here anyways, don't you have a battle to watch?"

"Nah, didn't feel like it. None of those flashy training sessions ever interested me," the mole scoffed, furrowing his eyebrows.

Ash would often pit his Pokémon against one another in battles to help train them, focusing on some of the weaker members of the group. They would usually end in draws or an easy victory for one of the Pokémon mattering on the matchup.

"Eh, fair point. It does get boring from time to time," the snake commented, agreeing with Excadrill.

The two stayed silent for a minute before the steel mole spoke up once more, getting up and off of the tree.

"Well, seems like you're done with this conversation, so I'll leave you alone."

With that, Excadrill walked off a short distance, stopping to look back at Snivy for a few seconds. Her stature and frown stayed the same, causing the mole to sigh before he continued walking...

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