wren huxley

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wren alouette huxley




emily alyn lind

PERSONALITYdon't let the pretty face fool you

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don't let the pretty face fool you. wren is a two-faced, backstabbing, well... bitch. she's smart. she knows that the combination of her beauty and her money will allow her to skate through life with little to no consequences for her actions—and boy does she take advantage of that. while she is nice to authority (or whoever else it'll benefit her to be nice to), wren's true personality boils down to reckless, narcissistic, and mean. you can bet that if you're below her in status and/or wealth, you'll be on the receiving end of some condescending glances and deep-cutting insults. however, when it benefits her, wren can be scarily sweet (and she can switch to that persona in an instant). she's a grade a kiss-ass when it comes to royalty or otherwise rich people, and when they're around her age, she's a heck of a flirt. she enjoys sleeping around and being a heartbreaker—it gives her this weird sense of power that she's spent her entire life chasing. and that feeling of power is the primary motivator behind almost everything she does, from one end of the spectrum of her personality (putting people down) to the other (being a sweetheart in order to climb the social ladder)

wren's parents had what was a very extreme case of your classic rags-to-riches story. when she was younger, her family was just barely getting by, not always sure where they'd get their next dollar. her mom spent time nannying for rich families and her father was always working, which meant that wren didn't get much attention growing up. mrs huxley's nannying job also meant that their family lived in a nicer-than-they-could-afford area—and wren went to public school with a lot of pretty stuck-up rich kids. needless to say, she was bullied daily for her thrifted clothing and beat-up shoes, which most definitely affected her for the rest of her life (even if she claims now that it was nothing).
that is, until some time around middle school... that was when wren's father struck gold with his business idea, and ended up making millions. the family moved to a richer part of town, and wren began to surround herself with upper echelon people. her old life was forgotten, and wren became everything she once despised. it was her dream in elementary school to fit in with the crowd, and now she was one step above them all—maybe she ended up this way (as this vengeful mean girl) just to spite her former bullies, or maybe it was inside of her all along. she also abandoned most of the childhood hobbies she had (sewing, singing, etc.) and now spends most of her days shopping using daddy's credit card.

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