wren huxley (revisited)

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[ deinos ]

[ deinos ]

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babette, my love! have you got any exclusives for me today? ooh! you know, that mahogany one on the mannequin would suit my figure. i'll take it for the weekend, yeah? mwah, thanks a bunch.

 i'll take it for the weekend, yeah? mwah, thanks a bunch

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wren alouette huxley knows that her last name may raise some brows, which is precisely why she always includes it in her primary introductions. she was spoiled with gifts as a teenager and young adult, but wren still maintains that the family name was the best present her parents ever gave her. her father's hard work equips her with a certain level of prestige -- something she'd be a fool to not take advantage of.


she's a mere nineteen years old, but wren still believes she knows everything. well, everything that's important to know, anyhow.


wren is bisexual, though this is one aspect of herself she's never really felt the need to broadcast. no official coming out, she's always just known, and so have the people around her.


standing at a slightly shorter than average 5'4, wren prefers to wear heels whenever the opportunity is presented -- she's mastered the feat of going up to 4 inch stilettos -- because it makes her feel more powerful. her wavy blonde hair against her pale face and big bright eyes makes her look angelic and innocent; at least, that's what people have told her. she doesn't mind presenting herself that way. after all, there's nothing more dangerous than a cunning girl in disguise as a naive one. she never leaves the house without a fashionable outfit on and at least a little bit of makeup; i mean, come on, she's got a reputation to uphold. her conventional beauty has taken her a long way in life, but at least she recognizes that fact.

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