Gossan tries to fight back

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The shot opens up with citizens of Gossan forming a line in front of the Antarctic soldiers, the citizens have made a militia and armed themselves, the Antarctic soldiers brought up the 'Anti-riot' truck

The shot opens up with citizens of Gossan forming a line in front of the Antarctic soldiers, the citizens have made a militia and armed themselves, the Antarctic soldiers brought up the 'Anti-riot' truck

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Yet the militia still won't go so the soldiers point there weapons at them to try to intimidate them, but they still don't go


The militia fires a shot off hitting the wall, the soldiers fire back and move forward with the truck

Timeskip because...yes

5 hours of fighting the militia and they have finally given up, now all citizens are being evacuated to refugee camps till the war with Atlas is over.

Over in Mantle

A military base has been made and the surrounding area claimed as the Antarctic Empire's, an airport was made for the fighter jets and gunships. Barbed wire set up and flags flying high and proud.

Atlas has been sent messages telling them to surrender, those messages being sent from the Antarctic Empire, Vale, Vacuo, and Mistral, the Antarctic Empire's message being more of a threat

(The message ∆)

∆We are giving you the chance to surrender, if you do, we will give Vacuo Gossan back and we will stop the bombings. If you don't the first place we will bomb will be the Schnee household and dust mines then Atlas Academy. You have 15 hours to surrender.∆

Ironwood's POV

I was reading the message from all the kingdoms and the Antarctic Empire, the ones that stick out the most were the ones by the Antarctic Empire and Ozpin, Ozpin wanted us to surrender because we are putting the relic at risk.


The message sent to Atlas from the Antarctic Empire was sent to all of Remnant after 2 hours.

Everyone starts to worry about this, if Atlas doesn't surrender then the dust supply could go down or even stop, even Menagerie got worried because of the faunus slaves that are in the mines could also get killed.

4 hours later

Ironwood is meeting with Jacques


Ironwood: "We don't have a choice if we don't we will get bombed worse then Mantle did."

Ironwood: "they can take so much away from us if we don't surrender."

Jacques "Fine surrender but I'll find a way to continue this war!"

With that Jacques walk out with the slam of the door.

4 hours later


News: "Breaking News Ironwood has surrendered to the Antarctic Empire, but Jacques Schnee decides other wise, he said he will be asking people to volunteer to make a militia to continue this war, the Antarctic Empire has said they will execute any who join this militia and will execute Jacques Schnee, General Sparky also said that Jacques better be prepared for his world to burn around him when they announced they will start using something called napalm."


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The Antarctic Empire: Male reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now