s e v e n // everyone hurts

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The gravel crunched under my feet as I walked down the drive toward Breeze's paddock. She was grazing near the gate, looking up to nicker to me as I neared.

"Hey, pretty girl." I smiled, jumping over the fence and sliding her halter over her ears.

She followed happily, her hooves clicking against the ground and filling the eerie morning air. Chase greeted us with a friendly whinny, pacing impatiently around his stall, eager to get out.

I laughed at the eager horse, his eyes filled with child-like excitement. I clipped Breeze into her cross ties, heading to the tack room to pull out a saddle and bridle. We could do this. 

As I walked out, I almost crashed into the tall figure of Troy, letting out a little squeal of surprise.

"What're you doing here?" I asked, pausing to get my breath back.

He chuckled. "Sorry, I thought you might be keen for a ride. We've got some nice trails around here."

I paused, sending an appraising glance at Breeze. I could always do this later. Her tail flicked back and forth in annoyance at the flies that buzzed around her, her ears flicking forward, then backward, then forward again. Every sound caught her attention, every tiny movement seemed like a movie to her, her eyes dodging around nervously. 

I shifted my weight uncomfortably, running a hand through my hair. "I'd love to. But I really need to do this."

He nodded, smiling comfortably. "No problem. How about later on this afternoon?"

I replied with an eager nod and he jogged off down the track to where a few of the neighbors were hammering at thick wooden poles like tent pegs. Violet's eyes were always sparkling, her teeth always glowing in the sun. Her sickly-sweet demeanor sent a swell of pressure from your teeth down to your stomach, like when you taste something too good that it hurts.

Dragging my eyes away from the scene, I swung the saddle and bridle over one of the stable doors, picking up a brush. I started at her face, pulling another shard of carrot from my pocket. Her first instinct was a brief distasteful glance, dismissing me. Then as the scent swirled up her nose, an ear slowly tugged forward, her upper lip curling as she inspected the source of the smell.

My footsteps echoed around as I took one step closer, my outstretched palm now right in front of her. Slowly and delicately, her lips wrapped around the snack, whipping it up and crunching desperately on it. I moved my hand to her nose, resting it there for a moment. 

"See, girl." I said, my lips tugging up into a smile. "Nothing to worry about."

Again, I slowly moved my hand up her face, the fur silky smooth where I'd stoked a thousand times now. This time she didn't pull away, her face pressed gently against my palm, eyes gradually softening.

Sliding the brush into my hand, I moved it toward her neck at an uncannily slow pace. She flinched as the brush made contact, but stood still, her cautious eyes following my every move. Gradually, I made my way down her neck, grooming over that same spot I'd done yesterday. This time, though, she didn't freak when I began on her shoulder, and with a lot of comforting words, she allowed me to groom her barrel and front legs. 

Every time she pawed at the ground, or stomped her foot, I'd flinch, resisting the urge to leap away. I couldn't show the fear that was threatening to bubble inside of me. Otherwise she'd suspect there was something to be fearful of. 

The hours passed, and within a few hours the clouds had darkened, like the thick dark underside of a wave. Rain began to sprinkle outside, the hot concrete steaming at the cool lick of the sky.

Under The Saddle (Horse Story)Where stories live. Discover now