Scammed again!?

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Sweet mother of Iizuka. I got fucking scammed again. This time, it was a phone scam. The call started like this:

Scamming bastard clown: Is this *Puddie?

Me: Yes.

Scamming bastard clown: I am Officer Eric. I have recently found some mysterious packages filled with cocaine shipped straight from Mexico. We traced multiple bank accounts to you. If you don't cooperate, then we will have you arrested. We have a warrant for your arrest.

Of course, I was suckered into it. And it was convenient that I lost my debit card, have zero clue on my banking information, unable to go anywhere and had to watch the house. I am also very fortunate that I can't drive anywhere because I don't have a license. Unfortunately, those bastards got only my social security number.

When they called back, they tried to use fear tactics on me to scam me out of any and all hard earned cash. I got smart when I realized that the government never asks for your banking information and I used the truth as a lie (those dumb fucks knew I was autistic but they didn't know that I wised up from the last time I got scammed back when I was living in a dorm). They were very scary sounding to me. They called themselves Officer Eric L and Officer Jennifer L Walker. They said I would be arrested if I didn't cooperate.

Thankfully I figured it out before too much damage was caused. Unfortunately it came with a nasty, scary price: me having a full blown anxiety attack. That anxiety attack lead me to cut my own hair. Not a small trim, mind you.

Yes. I am indeed fluffy. I got called a few things already by several family members and close friends: Edward Scissor Hands (my mom's best friend), Einstein (my sister), a spitting image of my dad (again, my sister), and Bozo the Clown (by my brother. But he's an asshole by default, and I am being generous with calling him that). I personally think that I look like a werehog and a poodle did the deed, minus the fangs.

And I was not the first person that they did this government scam to. A pregnant woman got the same call as me, right down to the "I am Jennifer Walker" bullshit. Except for one thing: she lost 5000 dollars. So to all of you younger people out there: if a government official asks for your banking information and threatens to arrest you, feel free to troll them by saying that you work for the government (or that your parents work in law enforcement). Then hang up. I don't give a fuck if they say that they're sending over cops. They're most likely lying.

*Not using my real name only for privacy reasons. Sorry.

So lesson learned: if a government official asks for your banking information and SSID, hang up. Or be an asshole before hanging up. Either way works.

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