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I bet you are wondering why this is here. For those of you in grade school or high school, I'm going to drop a truth bomb on you.

Okay, I exaggerated. I'm going to drop a lot of truth bombs on you.

The first truth bomb is going to be the most jarring: Your schedule is not going to jam pack your day. Sounds counterintuitive but trust me. When you get to college or even tech school, the first thing you are going to notice is your schedule... More specifically, the lack thereof. Good example of this is last semester, I only had one class that lasted only about two hours. And Fall 2021, I had two classes: Financial accounting and a class on management. You might say, "But, Puddie! I've had my day structured my entire life!" The reason why there are only one to two classes per day in college is so that you can do your homework and still have plenty of time to write your stories on Wattpad or to do other things you might like. That, and also get an adequate night's sleep.

Another truth bomb: Not all of your teachers are going to want you addressing them by their last name. In fact, every teacher I ever had in my college life ALWAYS insisted on using their first name. This might not be true for everyone but when I started college, I found it jarring to call my teachers by their first name. After hearing my accounting teacher tell me, "Puddie, call me Ed," I started to become convinced that grade school and high school lied to me about teachers hating to be called by their first name.

Third truth bomb: the professors would let you use your textbook on tests more often than not. Yep, you heard me right: I am telling you that in college, you can use your notes that you wrote in class. And you can use your textbook if you are confused about something. A small piece of advice: Never be scared to ask for help.

This last truth bomb is going to surprise you: the teacher will most likely dismiss you early if all material is covered. You don't want to know how many times my art teacher said after a half hour of an art assignment, "Okay, I'm going to release you early. See you later!" Plus, the teachers will give you a break during class. The longest class could be two to three hours, so college teachers will let you take a break. Weak bladder? They'll tell you on the first day of class, "Ok, if you have to go use the bathroom, go use the bathroom. School doesn't control your bladder." They'll also tell you not to ask to use the latrine. Trust me, college or tech school is a good option. You're welcome.

One truth bomb that many people forget: college in the movies is sort of like college in real life. Only difference is that your professor won't insist on being called "Professor." Plus, from my experience, I've seen the typical jocks hang out with the geeks and nerds. I've befriended the cheer and dance team. Plus I have a following from the gaming club too. You don't have to limit yourself to one club.

If you decide to live in a dorm, I got to tell you something: If you live close to your parents, it's kind of a courtesy to visit. If your parents are divorced... I don't know how to help you there. Sorry. Maybe visit the parental figure that you love more...? I dunno. Sorry.

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