Aw, man...

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Free books? FREE BOOKS!? My absolute favorite kind of book is a free book (or a set of books for cheap

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Free books? FREE BOOKS!? My absolute favorite kind of book is a free book (or a set of books for cheap. Best place for cheap books that are entertaining is Goodwill.) My favorite saying is "If it's free, it's for me." That's what my special Ed teacher used to tell me in high school. Dang, I miss her.

 Dang, I miss her

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It was a scam. I forgot about my other saying, "Half of the time, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." *Sad Puddie sigh* 😔 Oh well. Maybe next time. I might get lucky and find a textbook I need. Advice for the high school students here on Wattpad, the college bookstore is often more expensive than eBay (or whatever website you use to get yourself a steal on textbooks). If I had a buck for every time I felt disappointed, I would be rich enough to have my own JY or my own yacht. What? Too random? Heh. I'm going to give myself props for trying to find something to laugh at. I don't know if I succeeded.

 I don't know if I succeeded

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Well, I am random. And a little bit weird. Come to think of it, the I before e except after c rule doesn't exactly apply to many words in the English dictionary. Shower thoughts for a nice day.

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