Rabies much?

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For those who don't know, I have an intense dislike for Kpop only because I don't understand them

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For those who don't know, I have an intense dislike for Kpop only because I don't understand them. It's got nothing to do with the music itself. It's the language. Plus, I don't think that this Lisa chick is even old enough to be a mother. Just saying.

Jokes on you, idjit

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Jokes on you, idjit. I know enough Spanish to know what a disrespectful nutcase you are.

If you're oh so fabulous, then why are you too chicken to show your real face? Is it because of the backlash from what you said to everyone you disrespected? Sending me lyrics to a song that I am never going to listen to is stupid

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If you're oh so fabulous, then why are you too chicken to show your real face? Is it because of the backlash from what you said to everyone you disrespected? Sending me lyrics to a song that I am never going to listen to is stupid. But if being stupid is your thing, who am I to judge? Show me your real face and then maybe we can talk about how "fabulous" you truly are behind that Kpop facade. More shit might follow. Don't go after anyone featured here, damnit.

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