xlii - listen to the ocean, my love

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[ the boy's pov ]

she would sing me roslyn by bon iver
you say, your eyes inky blue planets
reflecting    the    dying    trees
she'd sing me folk songs the color of
sunsets  andflyinghairand whispers

"i        sing        sometimes,"
i  breathe softly. you don't seem to
notice  that we're so close that my
syllables  tumble into  your  hair
rooting themselves into the meadow
of your  scalp to bloom  dandelions

you        lock a strandofyourhair
between   fingers the color of wind
i'd like to hear you sometime
your hair  does pirouettes dancing
like ink s w i r l s in copper water
you stareatme for toolong and when
you look away your cheeks are the
color of summer l o v e underneath
watermelonskies streaked with rose
gold    and   lemonade    stains
on hammocks  draped with silk the
shade                        of
m  e  l   a    n     c     h       o        l         y

i remember the days when she would
take me to the sea and tell me stories
that i was t o o young to understand
she'd   rock   me   and tell me

"listen to
the ocean, my love. in a world where
it's not safe to be yourself listen to the
ocean becauseit's the only constant
in   a universe where everything
churns like hurricanes. the sound of
chaosssssss is the only thing that will
           change-           "

the mid-october breeze wraps around
your cheeks and stealing the color
from   your skin    and   bleaching
them into the hues of c   o   l   d
mornings spent  alone(ly)  in pristine
coffee shops   when we were just the
people                  watching
craving on( off )line loves to walk out
the p a n e l s of our  imaginations

the trees l       e    s    s  e n
fanta orange splashes over rough gray
stretching o u  t into the jagged piece  
of a                     c l i f f      
over     origamiblue         waves

so close to the edge, a   20-meter drop
into blissful d r o w n  i   n    g
so close so close so close    too close

isn't it beautiful,     you whisper. each
word magnifies like  glass shards in my
mind and my             acrophobia
e         x      p    l  o  d e s
and i replace   "beautiful" with "deadly
(deadly deadlydeadlydeadlydeadly-)

the r  e  d of your shoes against the
smears of   blue gray  white foam on
the sssshore looking like      (pain)t
ssswirled ssssloppily        together
sssssssmudged andabbed at withrough
fingers     tocreate    amasterpiece
[ -from    the white rose painted with 
blood,    "vii:  safe  by  the  sea" ]

i see water i see pills strewn out like
pearls  over  concrete  i  see ropes
hanging   from  the   ceiling i see
knives   cutting  stars  into   skin
i  see  cliffs and  gravestones i see
everything  i want to be i see i see i
see i see i sea i sea i seaiseaiseaisea

the worlds fades into spiderwebs of
tenderyellowblue     until even the 
soundoftheocean    fades away into
the blue black s  i  l  e  n  c  e

-[ 🌙 ]-

i find it ironic that i literally,
legitimately left y'all on a

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