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*unedited chapter. Please excuse any mistakes. *


"Nina, Nina! Get up! You're gonna be late! Nina!" Anna's voice rang in my ears.
"What?" I said in a muffled voice.
"It's Monday! You're first day !"
"Oh my God! I'll be late! What's the time? "
"It's eight already. "
"Oh no! I have class at nine!"
Quickly throwing my covers off me, I jumped put of bed. Just then I looked at Anna and said, " Don't you have class too?"
"No, I have class at eleven. "
Oh. Shit. Why was I wasting time? I ran to my closet and picked a plain white tee-shirt and some grey jeans to go with it. I ran to the showers and voila! They were full. God!
So I brushed my teeth till then. It was awkward. The were five showers were full but there were two girls outside, applying makeup. Brushing teeth in front of two strangers was definitely awkward. When I was done, the two girls also went. I looked at my phone to check the time. 8:40. Shit. First day of college I was going to be late. As if answering my prayers, one of the cubicles opened and a girl got out. I rushed in. Stripping off my clothes, I turned on the tap to allow the water fall on my bare shoulders. The water calmed me down but no matter however much more I wanted to stay under the relaxing shower, I couldn't. i was running late, so I grabbed the towel and drying myself, I put on my tee and jeans and quickly headed out of the showers. I noticed two other girls standing in front of the mirror, applying makeup. I never applied makeup. I didn't even get it here, to Princeton, excepting a peach lipstick and a bottle of black eyeliner. Shaking my head, I removed those stupid thoughts from my head and began running to my room. Suddenly, "Ow!" I heard someone as I had mistakenly bumped into the person while frantically running. Somehow, I thought the voice was familiar to me. Looking up, I saw the same unique mocha eyes staring down at me.
"You!" The boy exclaimed. It was then that I realised he was actually quite tall and so he towered over my small 5'5" frame. He was quite muscular too. " Hey." He said, waving his hand in front of my eyes to get my attention. "Stop running in the corridors. Or if you have to run then at least watch where you go okay ?"
"S-sorry I wasn't looking. " I mustered.
"Well that's exactly what I said didn't I? Wait. Aren't you the girl who had bumped into me the other day?"
" Uh. I- yes." I admitted.
"Right. Why were you running? "
"I'm sorry I'm late." I looked at my phone. 8:54. Oh no!
"Whatever." Saying that, he left. That was what he had done before. No Nina! No time to think of rubbish. You're late - I mentally scolded myself.
After rushing to my and grabbing my bag, I ran for my class.
"So students I'm going to ...." Shit. I was late. The professor was already there.
" Sir. May I come in? " I asked.
All heads turned to me. "Uh yes come in."
I muttered an apology for being late and entered the room. I looked around for an empty space for me to sit. Just then, my gaze fell on a boy. He was the mocha eyed one.
" Miss?" The professor called.
" Yes sir."
"I think you can go sit at the back there. No other seats are empty."
I looked at the back of the room to see a girl sitting there, her gaze lowered.
I made my way to the back of the room to where professor had asked me to sit. I reached the desk and sat down beside the girl. I couldn't see her face properly as half of it was covered by her hair.
"Hi." She said in a very low tone. Her voice. I found it odd as if she was purposely making it deep. I thought I had heard her voice somewhere too.
"Hi."I said. I was never the sort of person who went and mixed with others. I was always the shy and quiet girl who rarely spoke. The fact that I had settled down so well with Anna surprised me.
"I'm Esther. Esther Nightshade."she said. Her name was so different.
"Im Nina Granger. "I said.
"Did you say something miss?" I heard the professor's voice. I looked up to realise he was talking to me.
Quickly, I said, " No, sir."
He looked at me doubtfully and I noticed two or three people giving me weird glances. I wondered why they were doing so.
"Anyway, as I was saying, I'm professor Martin. I'm here to teach you English. Now, I'll take your attendance." He said.
One by one ha called out the names of those in the class. I answered a "here" to my name when it was called out.
"So let's go on with our lesson. Take out your books to page 37." Said Mr. Martin. I noticed he didn't call out Esther's name while taking the attendance. I looked at Esther to see she was gazing at the blank blackboard. I continued with my work.
After class, I went to the cafeteria and sat down with a cheese sandwich at the same corner table. I opened my book and began to read from the page I had left my grey bookmark in.
I looked up to see the mocha eyed boy sitting opposite me in my occupied table.
"Uh..."I didn't know what to say.
"You were rushing to class when you bumped into me this morning? "
He just nodded. Then said," What's your name? "
He probably didn't hear my name when attendance was being taken. 'I didn't hear his too' I realised.
"Nina. Nina -" before I could complete it,
"Dobrev?" He asked, amusement visible in his mocha swirls.
What was with Nina Dobrev? I wished I had some other name.
Sighing, I shook my head, saying," Granger. My name is Nina Granger."
"Nina Granger." He rolled my name off his tongue slowly.
"What's yours?" I asked him.
"You didn't hear my name in class?"
"No. I didn't notice it. You didn't hear mine too." I defended.
"Sparks? " I asked innocently.
His jaw clenched itself. I laughed internally. He looked the bad boy type. Calling him Sparks was probably the worst insult.
"No, Woods."he gritted out. I smiled.
He looked at me and when he saw my smile, anger etched itself in his eyes, but then they softened themselves and his lips pulled into a smile. 'That smile could kill thousands of girls ' I thought.
Just then his phone rang. He talked for about half a minute, then told me, " Sorry, I have to go. It was nice to meet you. "
I just smiled.
After that I had gone for my other classes and returned to my room, seeing Anna getting ready.
"Going somewhere" , I asked.
"Oh Nina? I didn't see you coming."
"Yeah I just came."
"Well I'm going to a party. My classmate invited me. Will you come with me?"
"No. You go. I'm tired. Plus I have class tomorrow at nine again, so..."
"No you're coming. I even took out a dress for you. " I looked at where she was pointing. A dark blue short dress was laid on her bed.
But I was really sleepy so I said I wouldn't go.
"Fine. But you have to come next time." She said.
I smiled at her, " Sure."
Partying wasn't really my thing. As I had said, I was the quiet type. I'd rather read a book or watch a movie.
After Anna went, I did all my homework and finally headed to bed after changing into my pyjama shorts and a loose oversized tee.
I plopped myself in bed and closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to wash over me, again hoping for one thing - 'let me not see that dream like yesterday. '

Hey guys!
Why do you think people gave Nina weird glances. Do you think Esther is odd? Comment guys. Share your thoughts.
Please vote and comment guys, please.
Lots of love,

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