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I recalled what Esther had said to me...
"Remember one thing, Nina. Do not mention my existence to anyone. If you do it, people will make your life a living hell. Everyone will think you are crazy. And if you ever disobey me or reveal my existence, I assure you this, that before people act against you, I will. If I can make you happy, I can make you cry too. You know this very well that I know everything about you. Your bank details, your feelings, your past."
I pressed my eyes shut tightly, as I began. I did not know what he would say after I finish. Whether his thoughts about me would change. Whether he would still like me.
I cleared my throat and began. I intended to tell him everything. Everything, about my life. Mom. How I faced that incident that took mom away from me, and how I suddenly hear she might be alive. I did not even know whether I should actually believe she was alive. Then came dad. Dad. The person closest to me, who I had lost. He already knew about that. But he did not know that I suspected dad's death was not an accident bit a murder committed by none other than his business partner, Smith. And of course. How could I leave out the source- a girl calling me every night at three a.m?
I still did not know what I felt about Esther. She scared me. All that she knew about me...how? She even knew about mom and dad, and my suicide attempt after dad passed away.
But talking to her helped me. I had built up confidence. If she hadn't existed, I would have broken down right after dad's death. But she had been there. Talking to her, did something to me; maybe I can say it calmed me.
So I began telling Nic. Telling him everything. How messed up my life was and how I received phone calls every night at three a.m.

~end of recap~


"....so yeah. That's pretty much the whole thing. I get phone calls every night at three a.m, which actually helps me..."
Nic just looked at me and blinked.
"What?" he asked, looking as though I had said that a cat had five legs, instead of four.
I sighed. How did I think he would believe it? How?
I sighed, looking down at my feet.
He frowned at my reaction. His eyes widened considerably. "Nina, are you serious?"
I looked at him, into those mocha swirls, that I had come to love. I felt like crying. I knew he would think I'm crazy. Now he would not even be in this relationship with me. My eyes stung. Esther had been right. I should never have told Nic anything. I should have just let things be the way they were. At least those calls helped me. I had been able to get a job after dad's death. I was completely independent. Esther had raised my self confidence so much.
I bit my lip. When I didn't say anything, Nic looked really worried.
"It's okay. You are just stressed out."
"You think I would lie to you about such a serious thing?" I said in a small voice, avoiding looking into his irises.
"No. Nina, I didn't mean that. I know you would not even dream of lying about such a thing, but if it is really happening, that is crazy. Someone, whoever this Esther is, is just doing it for fun. This is prank calling, and you know what? This has to be reported."
"No!" I exclaimed. "Esther was right. You will never believe me. No one will!" I yelled. "How do you think I am living so confidently after losing dad, huh? Those calls help me. I am earning my own living now! I actually am with you in a relation! She helped build up my confidence, Nic. I was broken. Literally broken from the inside, but she calls me to mend me. She keeps me together." I was in tears now.
Nic sighed. "Okay. I'm taking you to a psychiatrist."
"You think I am crazy?" I managed to say.
"No! You are stressed. It is normal. Look, you have been through such a lot, lately. It is okay. I'm there for you."
"You don't believe me."I said slowly, my anger building.
"Okay, okay. Fine. I will just take you to a psychiatrist, once. She is my family doctor. Just talk to her."
I sighed, feeling defeated. "I know I am not crazy and I am getting those calls for real. Those calls are not pranks, Nic. They help me." I said, in a low voice.
"Okay. But you are stressed. Just visit her once, okay. Once."
I looked down. "Okay", I nodded.
He smiled. But that wasn't a genuine smile. It didn't reach his eyes. I could read him. His irises gave away hos feelings, and I saw in them, that he was worried. Dead worried for me.

"Ready?" Nic looked at me.
I nodded and got into his car. He was taking me to his family therapist, Mrs. Brown.
I had done many therapy sessions as a kid after losing mom. I looked at Nic. His jaw was tense, and I felt he was avoiding looking into my eyes because it would give away the truth. The truth, that he thought I was crazy. He looked straight, and kept driving.
After a while, we reached. I got out of the car and walked into the building with Nic. I sat in the lounge while Nic went to the reception, to enquire about my appointment. He spoke the the receptionist, and then gestured me to come to him. I got up, and walked up to him, as he took me to the second floor, which was where I was to talk to Dr. Brown. As we reached, he pushed open the cabin door for me, and told me to go in.
"Won't you come with me?" I asked, looking at him.
"No. It is your therapy. Go on. Brown is nice. She will understand you."
I took a deep breath, and walked in.

I watched as she walked in, her dark hair bouncing behind. I loved her so much. She had that aura around her, of innocence, sweetness, beauty.
But I could not ignore what she had said to me today morning at three. She was receiving calls at three a.m, by some girl called Esther, who knew everything about her. Then, she said those calls helped her. Well, I would be freaked out if something like that happened to me.
I did not want to think she was crazy. 'She isn't, she is just stressed out'- that is what I kept saying to myself.
I did not know what to do. This confession of hers hit me like a boomerang. I was worried for her.
I sighed, and went to the lounge, making myself comfortable on one of the couches. I crossed my arms over my chest, and waited for Nina's session to get over.
After thirty minutes, she walked out of the cabin. She looked fine. I walked up to her and pulled her into my embrace.
"How was it?" I asked her.
"Okay. I feel a bit relaxed," she said, looking down at her feet, refusing to meet my eyes. I frowned, but took her out of the building, to my car.
I started the engine, and drove along the empty roads, listening to the rustling of leaves in complete silence.

I sat silently in the car, looking out of the window, watching trees pass by, their leaves rustling in the autumn air.
To be honest, I didn't want to attend any more therapies. This one wasn't good. I had lied to Nic saying that I felt relaxed after the session. Instead, I felt really stressed. I had talked to Dr. Brown about mom. How I thought it was my fault, and then about dad. I was not comfortable. In fact, I think she was bored about my case. She had glanced at the wall clock trice during the session.
I shook my head, trying to clear my mind. I had also talked about the calls. She was pretty shocked at that. She would be coming to my hostel at three a.m tomorrow. I took a deep breath. It was going to be a long day...

Hey guys!!!
We did not reach the goal, but we love you all so much, so we updated:)

Ooooooo. Now Nic knows everything and obviously, does not know what to do!
Who do you all think is Esther? Any guesses?
And what will happen when Dr. Brown comes to see whether Nina actually gets phone calls at three a.m?

Well, we will get to know soon:)
Follow us if you enjoy our work:)

Vote goal for this chapter: 5 again!
It is not such a big goal. Let's achieve it!!!!!

We will update soon, till then, bye:)

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