Chapter 8 University and College Life !

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It was fall and the start of Uni and college life for both Mariah and Tessa. They had said their goodbye's to Frank and Dena and Carl and Cindy and boarded their respective plane's in Denver and Chicago and headed to Boston a few day's before term began. So they could both settle into their halls of resident's which would be their homes for the next three year's . Tessa had already made new friend's by starting her new job at the restaurant down the road from the college. She fitted right in as if she'd been there year's. Mariah had done the same. she didn't want to rely on Dena and Frank for spending money. They we're paying enough for book's tuition and plane ticket's to get her home every holiday. She told Dena this when she'd phoned them to let them know she had arrived safely. Tessa had to do the same with Carl and Cindy and of cause they wanted to know about her new job and what the people were like who she was working with. They both settled in to a day to day routine of revolving their tuition and studying around their job's quite happily.

Every now and then they spread their wing's a little. Mariah would venture out into the city more. While Tessa started to play at little bar's here and there. It helped hone her skills not only as a player of the guitar but also as a singer. She was loving writing her own stuff and seeing if people liked it or not. Most of the time she got a standing ovation . Well I say standing ovation, but it was probably no more than ten people. Because by the time she finished singing, it was usually the wee small hour's by the time she got back to her accommodation. She only did it on a Friday and Saturday night when she had time off from doing her waitressing job. Which was usually every other weekend. Mariah and the friend's she'd made on the business course was doing, used to venture further and further into Boston to see what the night life was like. She loved having the freedom at the weekends to do what she wanted. Not that she didn't have freedom when she worked for Dena. But here at university it was her own little world.

One weekend Tessa and Mariah were in the same place little knowing at the time that the other existed. Tessa was playing a new tune she'd just written for a solo song spot at The Bebop which was an Irish restaurant/ music pub. Mariah and her gang just happened to be there eating. Little did they know at the time, but these two women would be the answer to each others prayers. You see neither of them had been lucky enough to find unconditional love. The sort where you didn't even have to ask the other person for it. You were just there for them. Who could of predicted what would happen further down the line. Mariah had sat and listened to the music the girl with the long black hair had been playing and thought it was good. "Mariah" shouted her friend. Are you ok ? Yeah! Yeah! Why ? Oh I don't know you were looking at that singer and it was if you were entranced. Well she was good said Mariah and thought nothing more about it. They paid for their meal and then walked to a nightclub further away and partied until dawn. Before walking back to the university. Mariah was wondering the whole time who the singing girl was ?

Tessa had finished her performance and was just about to start packing her guitar away, when she looked up  and caught a glimpse of a bunch of girl's heading out of the restaurant. Oh are they ? Tessa asked one of the staff. Oh they all go to Boston university apparently. Oh ok said Tessa. Why did you want to know ? Did you fancy one of them ? Tessa turned bright red. No! No! she retreated as fast as she could and grabbed her guitar and left. She could feel she was still very embarrassed, because her face felt hot ! When she got back to her room she took a shower to cool off. Lying on her bed later, she thought about the group of girl's she'd seen and one in particular she had noticed. Tessa had not told anybody she was gay yet. She felt like she had not had the right opportunity with her course friend's or her work colleague's at the restaurant. I'll have to tell them she thought, and then she realised she'd not even mentioned it to Cindy and Carl. Maybe I ought to tell them first ? Before I tell the rest of the world.

She'd never hidden the fact . Her friend's at school had all known , but her drug pushing parent's ? Obviously not ! I'll tell Carl and Cindy when I go home for Christmas break she thought and then everyone else in the New Year when I come back. She was pleased with her decision. Mariah on the other hand had no clue what was happening to her ? Why all of a sudden she could not stop thinking about the girl singer from the bar ? It had been two day's now since she'd seen her and every time she'd gone to sleep there she was at the forefront of her mind. I don't understand she thought. I'm attracted to men always have been. But my father never allowed me to go near them ! I dread to think what he would make of this idea that's floating through my head. What am I going to do ? Christmas break was fast approaching. I think I need to have a word with Shelby before I mention it to anyone else. She sent a text message to her which was very vague, but she was to the point and just said I need us to have a serious conversation.

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