Chapter 106 Bowie!

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Tessa held Mariah up, as she nearly collapsed at the sight of him. Tessa had tears rolling down her face, as she watched his little chest rising up and down. They got told by the doctors, that the cops were still trying to piece together, what exactly happened. All they knew, was that Bowie had been found face down in their new pool, which they had just finished building. And when they pulled him out, they found a nasty gash on his head too. Oh dear god, said Tessa. Mariah was just crying hysterically, at what the doctors were saying. After about two hours of being in the hospital, Tessa said to Mariah she needed to go home, and get some answers if she could. Mariah was shocked. You don't want to stay here with our son? "Mariah" It's not that I don't want to stay. It's just I need to know. You need to know what exactly? Mariah's voice was getting loud and angry. I'll tell you what you need to know. Our son fell into the pool you wanted to be built, and ended up being dragged out of it unconscious, and ended up here. She screamed into Tessa's face.

Tessa was shocked, she had never seen Mariah like this before. I thought we said we were not going to blame anyone said Tessa a little annoyed. "Tessa" Mariah cried out. You wanted the dame pool built in Wisconsin of all places. We hardly get any sun here! That's why I had it built indoors said Tessa starting to sob. So you're going to blame me? Mariah just shrugged her shoulders and went back to sitting by their son and holding his little hand. Tessa was dumbfounded and shrugged her shoulders too as she left the room to go home. An officer escorted her out of the hospital to a waiting car. Do you give everyone this service? said Tessa to the driver. Not always mam, but you are somewhat of a local celebrity. And there are people trying to get photographs and a response to what has happened. We're just trying to help you navigate it all. Are there people at our house still? There will be a forensics team and some officers still there mam, yes. When she got back to the house and came through the door, the children just ran straight to her. She got down on her knees to hug them all.

Where is mom? said, Crystal. Tessa looked at their parents. Crystal remember that we told you Bowie was in the hospital? She looked back at Tessa for an answer. Mom, is in the hospital with Bowie said Tessa and I came home to make sure, you are all alright. And then I will go back to be with mom and Bowie. Oh okay said, Crystal. And then they all ran off to go and play. Tessa got up from the floor, and went over and hugged Dena, Cindy, Frank, and Carl. Cindy gave her some coffee, and they all went to sit down on the sofas. Carl started by saying. We know you must have lots and lots of questions, but Tessa we have no idea how we took our eye off the ball, and Bowie ended up falling into the pool. Are the cops still here? asked Tessa. Yes, they are all around the pool said, Cindy. Okay, well I need to go and talk to the for a bit said Tessa as she slowly got up from the table. How is Mariah? asked Dena. In bits said Tessa sadly. She's blaming me for having the pool built and that our son could die! "What" screamed Dena. Tessa started to tell them what the hospital had told her and Mariah. Oh my god said Cindy as she grabbed Tessa's hand. Love, we are all so sorry for not keeping an eye on him better.

Mom, I know you all are very good with our kids. I just need to know how it happened. "Tessa," said Frank in a very deep demanding voice. We wish we could tell you, but we have no idea how he managed to get into the pool building and fall into the pool. Carl agreed. One minute he was here, and then we all took our eyes off of him. Because the next thing Frank and I went looking for him, and then we were jumping in the pool to pull him out, and then we started giving him CPR, while Cindy and Dena called the emergency services. When the paramedics got here they took over, and the cops turned up at the same time. We weren't allowed to travel with Bowie said Carl sadly. Why not? asked Tessa getting upset because nobody was with Bowie. I think they thought, something fishy was going on said Cindy they thought we'd hurt our grandson! She started to cry. So that's why nobody could go with him said, Dena. They said we couldn't leave the house until we had all given statements. So that's when I asked an officer to call you and Mariah so that you could get back here as soon as possible so that Bowie could have someone with him. Thanks, said Tessa oh and I never thought for one minute, that any of you had anything to do with all of this.

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