Chapter 107 How do you move forward?

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As they left the hospital a few hours later, they never spoke another word to one another. When they got home to the house, Mariah headed straight for Bowie's room. Dena was about to go after her, but Tessa stopped her. She needs a while said Tessa in a sad voice. So do you said Dena? I'll be okay said, Tessa fighting back the tears. I think you'll need to speak to Noah, Faith, and Crystal in the morning. It was difficult putting them to bed tonight said, Cindy. They had so many questions about Bowie, and we didn't know what you and Mariah would what us to tell them or how. So we thought it best to just settle them down, by telling them you would be here in the morning to answer all their questions said, Dena. Thank you, all of you said Tessa as Frank and Carl came into the kitchen. I know, we all can't believe what has happened, but we will all get through this somehow. Would you like me to go and see if Mariah is alright? asked Frank. No, it's okay said Tessa I know where she is, and she will probably stay in there all night. We both need to deal with losing our son in our own ways. All I know is that at this moment, he is helping six other children carry on living.

We donated his organs! Dena and Cindy gasped. We didn't know you were going to do that, or that you had even thought about it said, Carl. Yeah, it was a bit of a shock for me at first, when the doctor asked me if we had ever thought about it. Mariah flatly refused at first and told the doctor nobody was touching a hair on our son's head. But later when Mariah had calmed down, I told her all about the kids he would be helping, here in Wisconsin and further afield. The doctor also helped me, by telling us what would be happening and that they would take the utmost care of him. And that he would still look like Bowie if we wanted to see him again, in the chapel of rest. Do you know what organs they are going to be taking? asked Dena with tears streaming down her face. Are you sure it's not going to upset you too much if I tell you? said, Tessa. Carl and Frank grabbed their wife's hands before Frank told Tessa to continue. Tessa had a sip of coffee and cleared her throat. We don't know who or how old the recipients are. Their names stay private, but they do tell them where the donor lived and his name, and what happened to him. You can keep everything private from the recipients if you want, but we decided they should know who Bowie was. She cleared her throat again because her voice was full of emotion.

His heart will be going to someone in California, he'll love it there with all the Sun, sand and ocean said Tessa trying to joke, but nobody was seeing the funny side. His Kidneys will be going to New York and here in Wisconsin. Some of his lungs are staying here in Wisconsin too. Apparently, they will be taking a couple of bits of his liver, for one person in Chicago and one in Denver. Dena and Cindy's eyes lit up. He's going to our hometowns, where you and Mariah lived for a while. Yes said Tessa trying to smile. When will you be able to see him again? enquired Carl. Oh, the funeral home is collecting him from the hospital tomorrow morning. I think they said we can see him from tomorrow afternoon, in their chapel of rest. Tessa started to cry. I still can't believe he has gone. What are we going to do without him? How do I tell the other three he's not coming back? Well, first of all, you and Mariah need to decide together, what your going to say and how your going to say it, to the other three said Dena. The four of us will give you both all the shoulders you will need to cry on. We're also here to help you navigate through it all too. Oh, I know that said Tessa. My main concern at the moment is Mariah, and whether she will ever forgive me for having the pool built, and also if she'll ever talk to me again.

She's not spoken to me since I told her what they were going to do at the hospital. Would you like me and her dad to go up and have a word with her? asked Dena. That's very kind of you both said Tessa but as far as the kids go, we have to tell them together. I have to at least go into that room and get her to help me with that part. I also have to find someone to do something with that pool. What do you mean? said Frank. Well, I'm guessing Mariah and all of us for that matter, are not going to want to see a constant reminder of where Bowie lost his life. I can see your point said, Frank. But I think, you ought to ask Mariah her thoughts on it though, before you do anything. Also, it would be a shame for the other kids to miss out. Not only that, I would love to have the opportunity to teach all the others to swim said, Carl. I see your point dad said Tessa. I'm guessing Bowie never had his floating ring or armbands on? No, said Frank which makes things harder. Because I think he was playing around the pool, and never intentionally went into the pool. I think he was running around, and then maybe slipped and knocked his head on the side of the pool, and that's why he never attempted to get out. I know he hadn't learned how to swim properly, but he could keep his head above water.

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