Chapter 100 Back at It

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We have a truck waiting outside for all the luggage, and to fit us all in as well said Tessa as she grabbed Bowie and Crystal's hands and started leading everyone out of the arrival hall. You weren't joking when you said a truck said, Mariah. Well, I knew you'd have a lot of luggage, plus the stroller for the twins, this was the best Devon, and I could find. A minivan with a huge trailer. Are you driving it? asked Mariah. No silly, Devon hired a driver. I'd never find the way back to the house, even with a satnav. True! said Mariah starting to laugh. Which then set Tessa off. What are you two laughing at? said Frank. The fact that I can't find my way anywhere even with a satnav said, Tessa. So true said Carl coming up behind her. "Dad" You're supposed to be on my side. They all started to laugh. Are we all ready to go Tessa? Asked the driver. Yes, I think so. We have everything loaded anyway. Well, your children are all strapped into their kiddy seats. So let me get you all back to the house. Great, thank you, Charley. Oh, everyone, this is Charley, he is our driver for the next week or so.

Charley this is all my family. Tessa went ahead and introduced him to everyone before they headed off to Kangaroo Point, which was on the waterfront. It had four wonderful bedrooms; the twins would sleep in cots, and they had the luxury of two bathrooms. Tessa, this is amazing. Isn't it a great find, I love being near the water. Where is the place, you're doing your concerts in? It's not far away said, Tessa. It's at the RDS Conference Center, and it holds twenty-one thousand people. Wow! said, Cindy. I'm still amazed that you can get up there and sing in front of that many people. Well, mom, they're not the biggest concerts. That privilege will go to Melbourne and Adelaide cricket grounds, which hold seventy thousand people. It will be the biggest crowd I have ever sung to. In fact, for the first time, I'm a bit daunted by it all. I just can't imagine what that is going to look like from the stage. You'll take it all in your stride like you normally do, said Mariah.

Okay guys, let me show you where your rooms are, etc. Freshen up, unpack a little, and then we will go for a stroll around the waterfront, and see if we can tire the kids out so they will sleep later. In their room, Mariah and Tessa could not keep their hands off one another, until Bowie barged in and spoiled the mood. Yuk! He said as he saw his two moms kissing. Do you want some kisses? asked Tessa as he screamed no, as she chased him out of the room. When she came back, Mariah had started to unpack. I'd better go and keep an eye on the kids said Tessa nobody is getting anything done. She gave Mariah a peck on the cheek. I'll get back to what we just started later said Tessa tongue in cheek. I might have gone off the boil by then said Mariah cheekily. Well, I hope not Mrs. Copeland Porter, because I want to devour you! She kissed Mariah with passion. Everyone ended up in the kitchen area. The twins had been fed and had diaper changes. Bowie and Crystal had had a little snack and the rest had all had coffees. True to Tessa's work, they packed the twins into the stroller. And made sure they had packed extra diapers and food for them. Because the adults were hoping to stop off somewhere and find something to eat.

Tessa told them all, that they needed to try and keep themselves and the kids awake for as long as possible before they crashed. Because then they would sleep a lot better and get over the jet lag quicker. Mariah smiled at Tessa when she gave everyone that statement. Her night was not going to involve a lot of sleep if Tessa got her way. It was so nice for them all to feel the sun on their skin. It was Australia's summer season. They got back to the house exhausted. But Tessa insisted they all stay awake for a few hours more. The kids stayed awake until around five in the afternoon. Bowie had fallen asleep directly onto the floor. Mariah then told Tessa they needed to go to bed. If they wake up early so, be it said, Mariah. But they have had it and looking at you lot. Mariah pointed at their parents. I don't think you're going to keep your eyes open much longer either. They got the hint, and all went to bed too. Way to clear a room said Tessa smiling. They're all knacked Tessa, I didn't do it just for us! Oh, I know you didn't said Tessa with a smirk. Do you want more coffee? Don't be silly come here said Mariah in a demanding voice.

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