Chapter 22 Prisoner

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It was pitch black and there were two bodies on the floor ! One was Mariah and the other was Shelby. They had been bundled into a van and chloroformed over their mouths to keep them quite. They were then later injected with Propofol which is a drug used in making you sleep during operations, among other things. They won't be waking up any time soon said a voice as their bodies where laid down and the door was closed. Are you sure their going to be alright in there ? said a tiny voice. And who is the other girl ? No idea said a deep voice. But our daughter thought she could get away from us ! She's in for a surprise when she wakes up ! I was a bit taken aback when I saw her just walking along the sidewalk , with not a care in the world. That hair of hers just stands out ! I honestly thought we'd never see her again. What are you going to do with them ? What's your plan ? It doesn't concern you woman ! He said viciously. Mariah's father was definitely not the nicest of men towards women. 

Tessa was beside herself she was very anxious to get to Denver so she could start searching for Mariah. She was due to leave in the morning on the first flight with Carl and Cindy accompanying her. Cindy poked her head around the bedroom door. Hi! Hi! Tessa forced a smile at her. Try and get a little sleep tonight at least said Cindy You'll be having a very long day tomorrow. I know said Tessa. I will try, but I'm worried sick at the same time. I'm sure you are said Cindy Mariah obviously means the world to you ! I know people must think it's mad ? said Tessa But Mariah and I just click we may have the start of something that will last a lifetime ? I know it's nuts ! It feels nuts to me too. All I know is I have to find her and have her in my life. Because apart from you guy's I feel she will be my go to through life. I always thought that finding the one would maybe never happen because I always thought it was a myth and I'd never be that lucky with the upbringing that I had, I never got to see that sort of bond until I saw you and Carl together. She smiled at Cindy.

You both made me believe that it can happen and when I was lucky enough to meet Mariah by sheer chance. I knew the moment we started to have a conversation that it was something so that's why I can't just sit here in Chicago and wait for news. "Tessa" We do understand first loves can be very intense said Cindy. First loves ? questioned Tessa . Yes the first person you fall in love with can be very consuming. Was Carl your first love ? I mean Mariah and I haven't even been on a date yet and as far as love is concerned I'm not sure I know what it is ? Carl was not my first love no ! He was my real love , the one I could not live without . What's the difference ? Oh well that can depend on the person and you said Cindy . Can you explain more ? said Tessa Well I always thought of it like this. Your first love you think you can't live without and your true love you realise you can't live forever. Does that make any sense ? said Cindy. Sort of I guess said Tessa.

I'm just glad Dena and Frank allowed us to go to Denver. I don't know what would of happened if they had said no ? Well we don't have to worry about that now said Cindy. Have you packed yet ? Sort of said Tessa. I just have a few odds and ends to put in . Well don't forget to finish before you go to bed, because we have a very early flight and you don't want to miss it. said Cindy. Oh don't worry I'll finish packing in the next few minute's and then I'll take my case down before I call it a night said Tessa. Ok well ours are are at the front door so put yours beside there too said Cindy. Ok will do said Tessa smiling. Night! Night! See you bright and early said Cindy. as she left Tessa picked up her phone and put it on charge and packed a spare tooth brush so she wouldn't forget one in the morning. She also packed her song writing book for something else to do and hopefully it might help her to relax. She loved writing music .

In the darkness there were stirrings on the floor! Mariah and Shelby were beginning to wake up ! Shelby called out in the dark. "Mariah" "Mariah" I'm here said a groggy voice in the darkness. Shelby put her hand in front of her face, I can't see you she said It's to dark . Where are we ? Err I don't know said Mariah She was trying to get closer to Shelby by following her voice. Keep talking said Mariah. Why ? said Shelby. I'm trying to get near you, so keep talking. Suddenly Shelby felt a hand on hers. There you are said Mariah pulling Shelby in for a hug. Shelby started to cry. Hey it's going to be ok said Mariah. How do you know that ? said Shelby. Because we're still here said Mariah solemnly. Oh my god ! You mean we could be dead ? screamed Shelby. Shush ! said Mariah Let me think. What happened ? said Shelby . Well I remember a white van said Mariah and that's about it. Yeah ! I can remember that and something going over my mouth too said Shelby. You remember a bit more than I do said Mariah solemnly. Who has done this to us Mariah ? Asked Shelby. Mom and dad must be worried sick by now. Do you have your phone ? asked Shelby in a panicked voice. 

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