Chapter 82 The Long Road to Recovery

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They got taken back to the hotel after Carl and Cindy convinced Mariah to leave, so they could all get some much-needed rest. Mariah ordered some room service. But first, she took a well-needed shower and changed her clothes. Oh god, I needed that she said out loud. I feel sort of human again. Chantelle called to say that Devon's surgery would go ahead tomorrow. He'd already had both of his legs sorted and put into plaster. But his hand and arm were a different story. They had got a special team in just to do the microsurgery on his hand, it was going to be a very specialized surgery, they had scoured the whole of France for the best surgeons available to do it. Mariah was still worried that neither he nor Tessa was awake yet. Both of them had had MRI scans to make sure they had no bleeds on their brains etc, but they were both given the all-clear, thank god.

The doctors thought it was probably to do with the impact and being thrown around in the bus. There were no seatbelts on the bus, for some reason. And that's why they all got thrown around so much, and a couple of them lost their lives being thrown through the windows. Tessa and Devon had been really lucky to survive, thought Mariah with a tear rolling down her face. She got her phone out and called her parents to give them an update on everything and to tell them to pray for a speedy recovery so that they could get them both home. She also told them about Devon's surgery, which was going to take place in the morning. Okay love, thanks for calling, keep strong. We're sending you all our strength and prayers, love you lots, the kids miss you both. That set Mariah off crying. I'm sorry I made you cry said, Frank. It's ok dad, I'm all over the place as you can imagine. Well get some rest and try and sleep, your going to need all your energy. You can't burn the candle at both ends remember that.

They all said their goodbyes. Mariah eat the food that had been sent up and then settled down to try and get some sleep. The next thing she knew, it was seven in the morning! She was still bleary-eyed, so she headed for the shower and felt more herself when she came out. She went down for breakfast and found Carl and Cindy already sitting there. Is everything okay? asked Mariah. Yes, said Carl we had a good night's sleep. How about you? Well, I updated mom and dad and then eat my food, and then the next thing I knew it was seven. Cindy and Carl started to laugh. Why are you laughing? said Mariah. We did exactly the same thing said Cindy I must admit we feel much better. Me too said Mariah smiling. They finished eating their breakfast at around eight, and Chantelle came and picked them up to take them to the hospital. I trust you got a good rest? she asked them all. Great sleep they all said. Once they got there, Mariah went into Devon's room first to wish him well for his surgery.

I'll be right here when you come back up, she told him. You are very close to Devon? Chantelle asked Mariah. Yes, I guess so said Mariah he's like a big brother I suppose. Tessa and I met at university and then we split up before graduation. Then we both got jobs in Genoa City unbeknown to each other. Oh wow, said Chantelle. You were meant to be then? Oh most definitely said Mariah We've always had one heart, as we call it, one of us is no good without the other. Anyway, Devon was Tessa's first and only boss, so we've become really good friends over the years. That's wonderful said Chantelle. I just hope they manage to fix his arm. said Mariah rather sadly. I know the hospital has called in the best team possible to do it said Chantelle so he is in the best possible hands. But it will be a very long and complex surgery for him, and all of you waiting to hear some news. I will get them to come out and tell you when he is back in ICU. Thank you said Mariah I best go and check on Tessa, after all the surgery she had done yesterday.

Yes, you do that said Chantelle if you need me at all, get one of the staff to call me, they have my number. Okay Chantelle, and thank you again I'll see you later no doubt. You will she smiled at Mariah after Mariah had given her a hug. Mariah went back to Tessa's room, to see if there was any change in her. Cindy and Carl were sitting beside her bed holding her hands. Any news? Mariah asked them hopefully. Not really said Carl but they do think she's improved a little since yesterday. Also, her color has started to come back after all the blood she lost. Any news on Devon? asked Cindy. Not yet said Mariah, to be honest, he's not long gone down for the surgery, and I was told it's a very long and complex surgery, so I'm not expecting him back up here for a few hours yet. Why don't you two go for a walk around the town? Get some fresh air, and have a nice lunch somewhere. I'll be glad to keep an eye on her for a while. Carl got up and gave her a hug. That's a great idea said Carl we're on the phone if you need us. Okay said Mariah I love you both and thank you for holding my hand through all of this. Ooh, Mariah, you don't have to thank us said Cindy we've known since the first time we meet you, that Tessa had picked her soulmate.

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