Chapter 57 Stage Two!

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One month later and they were in the clinic finding out what the procedure was, for one of them to carry the other one's egg. Ok said the doctor. Have you decided who is doing what? What do you mean? said Tessa. Well for a start which one of you want's to donate the eggs? And which one wants to carry the baby? Oh, I see said Tessa well Mariah wants to carry first so I will be donating the eggs. Great well let's get you set up for the injections. "Injections" ? said Tessa. Yes, it's so that your ovaries get stimulated into producing more than one egg, so we can harvest them! You will come back to the clinic for us to do that. And then we look under the microscope to see which ones are viable so we can then incubate them after introducing the sperm to the egg. After that, we freeze them, and then when you are ready one will be transferred into Mariah's womb and then we pray it takes. Mariah looked at Tessa and grabbed her hand.

Also, we show you how to do the injections, so you can take the course of treatment home so you can administer it yourself. Wow! said, Mariah. It's a lot to take in, isn't it? said the doctor. But the good news is we have a very high success rate, so you could be pregnant in a couple of months. Well, we do have to find a donor first said, Tessa. I will give you the list so you can take it home to look through before you leave. We could start the injections now if you wish? Can we just have five minutes please? asked Mariah. Sure no problem. The doctor left the room. Mariah turned to face Tessa. Are you ok with all of this? Well if I'm honest it's a bit full-on said Tessa I guess that's why we came to the best clinic so we can get on with this. I know we're lucky we can afford the best said Mariah. What about starting to do the injections today and us doing them after that? Well, we did know what we were getting into before we came said, Tessa.

I know said Mariah but neither of us knew it would start right away. That's true said Tessa. It's ok though, isn't it? Or would you rather wait a bit longer? Yes, it's ok, and no I don't want to wait we've made our minds up there is no going back now. Tessa leaned in for a kiss. I love you, and I love you said, Mariah. Let's get the doctor back in and start the process of making a family together. Ok said Tessa getting up and calling the doctor back in. Right well before we start all this I forgot to ask you if your cycles are in sync? Err I don't think so said Tessa. Oh well then in that case I'm sorry but we have to get synchronize your cycles before we can proceed. Tessa turned to Mariah with a disappointed face. It's ok she reassured her. The doctor continued so it could take a couple of months to do that, and we're doing reciprocal IVF where Tessa is providing the eggs and you Mariah are hoping to carry? Yes, that's right said, Mariah. In the meantime, you can pick a donor and have that all sorted. Sounds like a plan said Tessa a little happier she didn't have to start the injections straight away.

You oh with everything? Mariah asked when they got home. Yes said Tessa but I can't lie I'm a little glad I didn't have to start the injections today. Me too said Mariah smiling. In fact, I think that's going to be one of the hardest things about this whole process of injecting myself. Well, I guess we can take our minds off that for now, and try and go through this list and try and pick a donor. That's a good idea said, Tessa. Well, I guess we should first narrow it down to people that look a bit like us? asked Mariah. What do you mean? said Tessa. Err hair and eye colour and height? Tessa laughed. You mean you don't want our son or daughter to tower over you? Mariah playfully punched Tessa. "Ouch" Oh come on that did not hurt said Mariah laughing. It's so hard to pick said Tessa later when they had narrowed it down to a top-four! It is said Mariah but I think I could get it down to two! 

Can you? said, Tessa, The thing we have to ask ourselves is. Are we going to have the same male for all our children? All? said Mariah getting flustered at how many Tessa was going to say. Don't look so worried said Tessa I thought we'd have at least a couple? Because I don't want the first one to be an only child like we both were. Well in that case said Mariah I guess we should stick with one donor. ya! said Tessa and then looked at the pictures in front of them. I think we should close our eyes and I'll go to the other side of the table and then we put a finger on the one we prefer. and if we pick different ones then we will just toss a coin. Wow! We're putting our pick of a father for our child to fate? said Mariah a little concerned. We have no other plan said Tessa so let's give it a go. Tessa moved around the table to the other side. Mariah put the four pictures side by side.

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