Chapter 2

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When evening came, Rapunzel was ready. Her trunk was lying hidden under her bed. It contained baking ingredients, foods, paints, dresses and clothes, makeup, and everything else she thought she'd need.

When she heard the deep snores of her mother from a room over, Rapunzel slid from bed. She began to drag the heavy curtains open, then prying the wooden planks away from her window, letting the moonlight stream in. 

There was barely a cloud insight as she shoved the window open, letting the fresh night air wash over her. She grabbed her bag from under the bag dragging it over to the window. She left it there, going to grab the dress she'd prepared specially for this occasion.

It was a ballgown made from pastel pink fabric that had thin straps keeping it up at the shoulders. The bodice was tight, and it flower out around her waist. It glittered gently in the dim light. She hung a moonstone necklace dripping with jewels from her neck, and moonstone earring from her ears. 

She climbed out the window with her heavy bag, landing in soft bushes. She clambered out on soft feet clad in silky slippers. Rapunzel moved silently, staying out of the torchlight until she was in the centre of town. Her eyes scanned the houses and buildings for the last time. The quaint little shops, bakeries and book stores. Suddenly, a shadow flickered across the Grimm Brothers book store, appearing in the firelight. 

Rapunzel gulped, smiling nervously. The shadow started to come into the light, and it became a bony creature with soulless, empty eyes. It cocked its head, studying her. Suddenly someone yelled at her, barrelling towards her. The bird-like creature cawed, lunging for Rapunzel. It lifted her in its claws as she clutched her bag tightly. 

And someone grabbed her leg, clinging to her.

Rapunzel glanced down, seeing Astrid, her wicked bird Stormfly clutching her shoulder, clinging to Rapunzel's leg. "What are you doing?" She yelled over the roar of the wind.









"Jut, shut up." Rapunzel's voice softened until it was barely audible.

"NO! If this is how you treat those who are your friends, then you will never get the fairy tale happy ending you think you will."

Just as Rapunzel was about to retort, they fell. The two girls landed in a tree, limbs banging into each other. The branch suddenly dropped out from under them, letting them fall into vines. The girls were screaming, gripping each other tightly as they were flung into the air. Suddenly, talons wrapped around them again, holding them up. 

Rapunzel let go of Astrid, shaking her off. And she gasped as she saw the towers looming in the distance.
"Yes!" Rapunzel exclaimed, still holding onto her trunk.

"Oh no." Astrid grimaced as she saw them get closer and closer.

One tower was bright pink and blue glass with sunlight flickering across the surface, and on the other side of the bay, a tall tower darker than ebony with thunder and lightning crackling around it.

As they drew closer to the light tower, Rapunzel smiled brightly. "Astrid! I feel it. I'm home." The smile was short lived as the bird creature released Astrid down to the light school, Stormfly squawking loudly and nestling into Astrid's hair.

"NO!" Rapunzel yelled, fear covering her face, "that's where I'm meant to be." 

And then, she was dropped, clutching her luggage, down into the dark pit of hell.


There was barely a cloud in sight as Astrid lay awake. Her head was filled with worry and stress, thinking about Rapunzel. Although she hated being used, Astrid still cared slightly for the selfish girl.

Eventually, she decided sleep wasn't coming and she slid out of bed. She slid her feet into her old boots, before grabbing her old cloak, sliding it across her shoulders to avoid the cold weather. She clicked her tongue at Stormfly who hopped off her perch and flew to Astrid's shoulder.

Astrid crept through the house for no reason, as nobody else lived there. She reached the front door and slid out silently. She walked through the graveyard, used to the smell of wet dirt. Her eyes scanned the stones that marked the dead's place. She wasn't unnerved by this like the others in the village were.

She snuck out of the graveyard and into town. The buildings were abandoned except for those mothers and children who hid behind the doors and windows that had been covered up by wooden planks. 

Astrid felt slightly saddened that she didn't have any family to do this for her, and nobody in the village would care if she was kidnapped. In fact, they'd probably cheer and have a party. 

Astrid reached the town square, eyes searching for Rapunzel who would definitely be looking for the kidnapper here. Finally, she found Rapunzel just as she was grabbed by a bird like figure. 

Astrid sprinted forward, grabbing Rapunzel's leg and being pulled up. Stormfly was still cawing and flapping on her mistresses shoulder, claws digging into her skin.

They flew for a while, arguing back and forth, before they were dropped. 

When the towers finally came into view, Astrid saw the dark side and for some reason, she felt like she was home. As Rapunzel grinned with joy, eyes glued to the sparkling glass turrets. And then Astrid was dropped down towards the soft glass and sunlight of the good.

Agatha and Sophie were shocked as they listened to Merlin. "Wow. That really sounds like us." Sophie muttered.

"Yup." Tedros was grinning like and idiot.

"Why are you smiling Tedros?" Agatha asked, one brow raised.

"They sound so much like you guys! You are exactly like those two, ha!"

"Shut it."

"You love me though."


"Will you two stop acting like children?" Merlin watched the two, his tone joking.

"Just keep going with the story." Sophie ordered, engrossed by the tale so far.

We're In The Wrong Place (ROTBTFD, SGE crossover AU)Where stories live. Discover now