(chapter: 1) Tickets

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"I cannot believe it I had the chance to go to the aquaria space station on the edge of our galaxy! I hear that it's the most beautiful place ever! And that's where I can study the stars from a new point of view! But sadly mr awaiza didn't pick me. You see only 12 people can go you know just in case if something bad happened. You see mr awaiza picked students for a reason, for instance
Shoto. The reason why he picked him is mr awaiza knows that every day shoto knows that he has to share the same planet as his father plus it could be good for him to get off this world and away from his family issues
Bakugou. The reason why mr awaiza picked him is so that he can keep a eye on him so that bakugou wouldn't get into trouble with anyone or teach eri stuff
Denki. The reason why he picked him is so that he can learn and be good at one school subject
And I could go on and on about the reasons why mr awaiza picked those people but I won't." "Seams like you really wanted to go." "Yea I mean it's a once and a lifetime trip to go see what's beyond our solar system but I guess I'll have to stay here and hear the cool stories when they get back." As I looked at the list of my classmates who got to go. I asked jiro something "would you take pictures for me please?" Jiro looked at me then the ticket that she had in her hand "well how about you take the pictures." "Wait your giving me the ticket? But I thou-" "yes besides you'll have a much better time than me." "Oh jiro I couldn't-" " stop and just take the god damm ticket" with that jiro shoved the ticket into my hands and smiled "tell me all about it!" she said. I gave jiro the biggest hug ever "thank you so much jiro!" "No problem uraraka besides I get sick in take offs and I would probably have a miserable time anyways. Now go pack the ship is a post to leave tomorrow!" With that jiro shoves me out lounge. But something hit me "what would mr awaiza say?" "Don't worry I'll talk to him about it now get!" She said. I ran as fast as I can to my room to pack. Maybe I should return the ticket it was jiro a after all and I would look like I begged her for it which I didn't I only went to ask jiro a question if she would tell me all about it and take some pictures for me I didn't expect for her to give me the ticket! As I opened my door I quickly went and grabbed my travel bags and packed what I needed and some little extra stuff.


There they are all packed *yawns* I looked at the clock and saw that it was 8:00 I better get some sleep if I'm going get bright and early tomorrow. I changed into my pjs and flopped down on my bed and slowly fell a sleep wondering what will happen tomorrow......

I woke up to the sound of the alarm going off it was 6:00 am. Thank god I went to sleep early last night. I quickly changed into the outfit I was going to wear. It was a lavender tank top with a bage hoodie jacket and my pants were a grey bage color. After I got my stuff together I opened my door and shut it. "well i will not be seeing you for an while so good bye!" With that I locked my dorm door and turned around to see the 2nd last person I would want to see watching me say goodbye to my room "what the hell was that round face?" Oh why did I have to be on the same floor as him?!? "I was just saying good bye to my room BaKugOu!"
"Tch" He said coldly "oh hey uraraka!" Kiri's voice came out of the dark hallway "I didn't know that you were going too how cool!" I smiled "Yea! I'm really excited for this!" I said walking closer to bakugou and kiri "it only seamed like yesterday when mr awaiza said that some of us would be going on this trip!" "Yea the days went by pretty fast!" All three of us was walking towards the elevator kiri was on bakugous left and I was on his right. as we walked into the elevator bakugou asked how I got a ticket for the trip "...because last time I checked you didn't have one!" "Oh jiro gave me hers. She said she would like to stay here then go so she gave me the ticket!" "Tch" "that was really nice of jiro!" Kiri Said "yeah it was wasn't it." I said feeling a little guilty. As the elevator dinged and opened the doors to the first level of the dormitory we walked out towards the main gate of UA where supposedly the bus was waiting but it wasn't there because we were to early "hold up and let me look at the time..." kiri Said "see bakugou! I told you the bus was apost to be here by 8:00! God we could've had another hour of sleep!" "Oh shut up! If you think about it we are here that means we have an hour to wait so when the bus dose arrive we won't be sleeping our asses so late that we might miss it! Plus we have extra time to remember if you forgot something!" Bakugou was right on that part I glad I set my alarm to 6:00 or I might've forgotten something really important! So as me bakugou and kiri was waiting for the bus to arrive kiri started telling me funny stuff that he has experienced in his life here at UA that I didn't know even happened! Eventually one by one some of my classmates that were post to go on the trip. Started to show up there was momo,shoto,denki,sero,ida,tsu,Mina, and finally deku! Everyone was here well not everyone from our class but everyone that was going soon the bus showed up mr awaiza came out of the bus looking tired as usual but I could tell he was sad in a way but why I knew it would be rude to ask him why so I kept shut "good morning students please put your bags in the bag compartments."with that mr awaiza went back into the bus we put our stuff into the compartment and went into the bus. I sat next to momo who was by the window seat "so momo are you excited?!?" "Mhm" She Said looking out the window towards UA. I could tell that she was going to miss this place and so will I. Then mr awaiza said "fasten your seatbelt students it's going to be a long drive."
I decided to take a nap and get some little zzz i put in my ear plugs so that I wouldn't here denki and kiri sing '99 beer on the wall' and bakugou getting pissed off at them. Then I shut my eyes and fell asleep........

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