(chapter: 3) Hyperspace

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I thought hyperspace would be like starwars or startrek I was rong. Hyperspace was nothing but black outside our windows which was disappointing. Another thing is that we would be stuck in this ship for two days and some people (bakugou) won't take those days to well "I'm going to be def by the end of the next two days just you wait and see uraraka!" "ok momo whatever you say." I got up out of my seat to walk around the ship I was not sitting next to momo for two days straight no offense to momo or anything but I would like to talk to my other friends perhaps Deku would like to talk for a little bit! I looked over to where Deku was but he was to busy talking to shoto 'well that sucks!' I went over to where tsu and Mina was to chat with them for awhile "I hear that the space station is the most romantic place in the galaxy!" Mina said "it's like you to meddle in our personal love interests but could you for once enjoy the trip and forget about love? Or gossip?" "Oh uraraka just picture you and Deku  by the stars looking into each other's eyes then Deku finally-" I slapped Mina in the head "shhhhh!! Everyone in the hole class could hear you!" "Pifft who cares the sooner your with Deku the better for you!" I gave Mina a deathly stair that meant shut up! I learned from mr awaiza and bakugou you never knew when you needed both of there glares in one glare to shut up a nosy friend "anyway.....did anyone notice the way that mr awaiza acted when he found eri on the ship? Ribbit" "now hy you mention it tsu Yea he did act differently!" "Awww how cute!" "Huh?" "Mr awaiza wanted eri to come along with us!" "Explain ribbit!" "If anyone noticed that mr awaiza was sad to leave the school and when uraraka found eri in her bag mr awaiza said that eri could come we could've went back and returned her but mr awaiza was quick and said a convincing lie so that eri could stay! I guess he would miss her." "Good point Mina maybe eri is a good extra person to come along!"
We chatted for awhile talking about stuff and what it's going to be like when we get there but after that I decided to get back to my seat and get some rest because sleeping would make the trip go faster.

Deku pov
"So isn't going to be cool shoto?" "Yes I'm very glad that I'm going!" "Oh why is that?" "So that I could get away from my stinking father!" Shoto said with a grin on his face "oh." "Anyways midorya do you think that the space station will have soba?" "Yes I'm sure sh-" "SHUT UP DEKU IM TRYING TO GET SOME DAMN SLEEP!!" "I wasn't that loud kacchan!" "I DONT FUCKING CARE!" "Piss of bakugou!" "WHAT DID YOU SAY ICYHOT!" "He said piss off bAkUgOu! And you shut up some others like me is trying to sleep! And Deku wasn't that loud  your the one that's loud!" "YOUR FUCKING DEAD ROUND FACE!" "Bakugou please sit down there's no reason to get mad at uraraka or shoto or even Deku!" "Grrrrrr" kacchan sat down glaring at me it's just like Kacchan to try to find something that I did to piss him off "perhaps he's mad because he's tired midyora. He was at the train station with kirishima and ochako early this morning." "Oh i didn't know that!" Poor ochako Standing there with kacchan and kirishima in the cold "Anyways midorya are you hungry? If so I'll be happy to share my soba with you." "Oh that would be nice shoto....."

Denki pov
"Pissst! Denki my man!" "Yes?" "Any ideas?" "No not—wait I have the perfect idea!" "Tell me!" "Ok you know that this ship has a radio system right?!" "Ohh oh denki you little pikachu!" "Pika pika!" "Come let's get to it I have the perfect song in mind!" Me and sero got out of our seats and crawled on the ground so that bAkUgOu wouldn't see us if he did the jig was up and we would be burned pieces of human meat! Once we got up to the place where I can input the song I plugged in my phone turned the volume up to max then played the song "OH OH WO WO—" I could hear the screeches of our fellow classmates behind us saying "turn it off!" Then a familiar voice came out of the screeching "YOUR FUCKING DEAD DUNCE FACE!!" The jig was up me and sero hopped to our feet and ran like we were the prey and bAkUgOu was he predator "that's enough all of you!" Mr awaiza said while unplugging my phone "can I get some sleep?" I heard him mumble dude he sleeps like a lot how much do you need? Mr awaiza tossed my phone to me I didn't catch it tho and me and sero went back to our seats "that was fun while it lasted sero!" "Mhm" I heard momo from behind us saying something to uraraka "see only 3 hours on here and I'm starting to lose my hearing!" "Well no sweat momo there's ya playing a prank and there's bAkUgOu picking fights with everyone there's everybody chatting so I get you momo." "Stop eavesdropping denki!" "Sorry I couldn't help but hear momo!"

For the rest of the class trip (referring to the ones that is going) it was pretty much quiet I mean bakugou did pick fights with people mostly Deku or shoto but over all the trip was smooth enough mr awaiza got some rest eri went to everyone to ask questions (manly hoping to perhaps get a candy apple) tho mostly everyone just slept to pass the time away some people if they were lucky brought some board games to play like monopoly the game of life rumicube etc.

Note: in the next chapter we'll resume in ochakos pov and they will be at the space station. Thank you for reading this :) and to those who were waiting for this to be published I thank you very much!

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