(chapter: 7) Smash

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Ochako pov

We sat at the table for the lovely meal that we were invited to although I think some of us couldn't keep our minds off of eri. I sat across from kiri and next to him was Bakugo and next to me who sat infront of Bakugo was denki, that wouldn't cause any problems right? I couldn't find Deku he must be sitting somewhere far from us well I don't blame him the table is huge and I am sure he did not want to get into a fight with you know who. Some guy down at the front of the table where most of the rich rich guess were sitting he had A few words to say before dinner,  I think no one was really paying attention everyone's faces look like they were really hungry and wanted him to shut up so that they could start eating I mean not gonna lie the food looked delicious and I was hungry. Eventually the man ended his speech and everyone dug in to the food right after. "Pisttt Uraraka!" "What denki?" "Watch this!" It was not even 10 minutes into the meal when the next thing happened. Denki looked at kiri and kiri looked at me and I looked at all three of them "Ehmm I will be going to the restroom please do not touch my food Uraraka!" "Huh?" Denki ran away before I could even ask him why he thought I would touch his food while he was gone "ehm bakubro how the meal?" "I could do better!" Kiri kept looking at me with his eyes and back at Bakugo like he was trying to tell me something then I saw denki right behind Bakugo at that moment I realized what denki was about to do "DENKI NO!" But it was to late. Denki smashes Bakugo's head into his food "hahaaa got you Bakugo!" "YOUR FUCKING DEAD DUNCE FACE!" "Uhh I didn't think about that." Then Bakugo grabbed denki by the collar and slammed him into the table on the food then Bakugo grabbed a full sized turkey uncut and slammed denki in the face then kiri threw a chicken wing at Bakugo Who was in the table with a poor foolish denki pinned to the ground with Bakugo's foot then Bakugo even more enraged turned around and hit kiri with the turkey then kiri fell back onto ida who's face was also shoved into his food "haha ida your face looks like a clown!" "Yours doesn't look any different Momo!" With that ida threw smashed potatoes at momo's lovely outfit "erkkkkk my—my beautiful outfit! you ruined it! You're gonna pay for that!" Momo threw sauce at ida and well that's how the dinner went. There was flying food everywhere peoples outfits were ruined by food stains and it looked like we were having food war 2 but with adults. Bakugo and kiri was teaming against everyone and looked like they were most powerful in the room. In front of me there was a chicken wing and since I had the best seat to shoot at Bakugo I took my chance and threw the chicken wing at him and oh boy did I hit his face bullseye smack in the middle! "YOUR FUCKING DEAD!" "Bring it you don't scare me!" With that Bakugo got back on the table pulled me out of my seat and threw me to the end of the table "aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!" Then with no moment to spare before I hit the end chair I activated my quirk and stopped then I released myself and landed on the table "Uraraka are you ok?" "Deku?! Your at the end of the table!?" "Yes I'm hiding I think you should to!" "Why this is so much fun!" "Uraraka! Deku! Bakugo's coming!" Said denki who just got here "denki you led him here! Now he's going to fight all three of us!" "Not if I get out of here first!" With that he continued to sprint out of the dinning hall "DEKU YOU BASTARD!!!!!!" "Eeep!" I quickly moved out of the way from the running Bakugo who had the Turkey in his hands. "DIE YOU DAMM NERD!!" "Bakugou let's be reasonable!" Bakugo slapped Deku so hard that he let go of the turkey. I Quickly ran to catch the turkey and I then I activated my quirk and quietly floated upwards behind Bakugo "so Deku was that reasonable enough for you!!!" "Uhh kacchan!" "Shut up!  Now I'm going to blast you all the way across the table!" "Hey Bakugo is this reasonable for you!!" With that I hit Bakugo with the turkey with all my might "ARRGGGHHH!!!!!" Bakugo fell backwards onto the table which Deku threw some untouched smashed potato's into Bakugo's face "Hit him once shame on me, hit you once shame on you for not keeping your guard up! BaKuGO!!!" "YoUr GoINg To DIE THE BOTH oF YOu!" "BRING IT KACCHAN!!" We were about to strike Bakugo again but someone's voice boomed our saying "ENOUGH!!!" We stopped and so did everyone else. As soon after whoever said that cleaners came in to clean the mess that we all made and we were forced outside so that they can use chemicals to clean the stained stuff. I was walking down the steps of the front entrance when I heard Deku call my name "uraraka!" "Yes Deku?" "Why did you do that?" "Your my friend Deku and Bakugo has that coming for awhile now." "Well I wanted to say thank you uraraka!" "No problem I'm happy to help!" "Uraraka?" "Yes Deku?" "You know you sacrificed a goods nights rest after the stunt you pulled right?" "Oh I know but I don't care." "We really make a good team uraraka!" "Yes we do Deku!" "Anyways I'm going to find mr awaiza see ya!" "See ya!" I went around looking for momo I wanted to tell her about how me and Deku got Bakugo but I couldn't find her perhaps she went to—"oof!" "Oh I'm so sorry young lady!" "No it's my fault I was thinking to hard that I didn't look where I was going." "Oh might I ask you a question?" "Yes ma'am." "What's it like back at earth?" "Oh uhh I guess normal like here but on earth...." "what about all might how's he doing?" "Ohh uhh great!" This last was sure interested what It was like back at earth "might I ask why do you want to know?" "I haven't been to earth in twenty years. I was just wondering what happened in that time!" "Twenty years!!!!" "Mhm." "Oh I'm so sorry that I asked I should've thoug-" "it's ok you didn't know." "Ok well if your wondering my name is ochako uraraka!" "Queen Krumirita! But you can call me miss kurumi." "The queen?" "Yes I'm the queen." "Oh do I have to bow?" "Hahaha we don't do that around here. Now may I ask? What quirk do you have?" "As long as you tell me yours!" "Ok." "My quirk allows me to lift Objects if I touch them with all five fingers. But if I lift to much I would get sick and puke." " you can manipulate gravity?!??!" " yes you could say that." "You can control space it's self!" "Uhhh no I can't." "Have you ever tried?" "No." "Then how do you know?" "First of all I don't know how that would work and second I'm limited how much weight I can carry but don't worry soon I will be able to carry more than I can now!" "Well that's disappointing but tell you what why don't stop over here tomorrow and we can work on your quirk strengthening together!" "Why that's a lovely idea! Now can you tell me what's your quirk?" "My quirk I can call to certain objects and they will come to me." "Wow that's interesting!" "Mhm but not as interesting as yours." Me and miss kurumi talked for A while soon the cleaners where done but it was to late into the night to eat so the Guests were dismissed " do not worry come back tomorrow!" "Come on students." "Eri!!! You found her!" " she was here at the dinner the whole time I don't know how she got here but she did luckily for us now we don't need to go looking for her." We got back to the hotel no one took any detours because we were all just too tired to deal with what happened and we were all hungry as well because we didn't really eat. "So how did it go? ribbit!" "Not well tsu not Well." Me momo Bakugo kiri all went into our room tired and hungry even Bakugo was tired I guess After fighting me and Deku he got worn out. It was probably the turkey that I hit him with. Me and momo went into our bathroom and changed into our pajamas then we came out and slumped into our beds and immediately went to sleep I don't know when kiri and Bakugo went to sleep but I was asleep faster than you can say.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Note: is it just you or me or that I can imagine very clearly ochako hitting Bakugo with the turkey and Deku smashing smashed potatoes in his face or what? Anyways thank you for reading this chapter have a nice day or night

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