(chapter: 6) Food crasher

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Eri pov

Ochako and momo ran off to find mr awaiza and left me at the fountain. Maybe they left me here so that I wouldn't be a drag on them? Or they left me here because they wanted to? Or they completely forgot about me. The only thing of comfort in this moment was the coin that momo gave me, then I thought well what is different about the coin in my hand then the penny in the fountain so I reached into the fountain pulled out a penny and compared them both I was about to find another thing different between the coins where I heard someone I quickly put the penny into the pool and looked to hear where the noise came from. It turns out that the noise was some lady calling her what seemed to be her missing dog "oh hello child have you happen to see my dog?" "No but I can help you look for him." The woman smiled and said thank you with that I took the womans hand and went to look for the dog, the lady had blond hair with bits of grey in it and she had a pretty white/ gold dress on and had a pearl necklace as well. The lady asked me some questions about myself and I answered plus I also kept my eyes out for the dog and to see if she was going to try any funny business but it seemed that she was very nice and friendly so I could feel safe I think. "So where's your parents?" I didn't want to make her even more worried than she already was so I said "oh well I lost him." "Huh?" I soon realized that she would have to know what and how I ended up here so I explained how I ended up here and my backstory to her and she seemed very moved by that and when I was finished she gave me a great big hug "you poor child!" As she was giving me the hug I saw a dog it looked like it was lost so I squirmed out of her arms and raced over to the dog. The dog was very fluffy and blond almost like mr bakugou. The dog immediately started to lick me "haha stop that tickles!" "Oh you found him! Thank you so much!" "No problem I'm glad that I can help!" "As a token of my appreciation I want to invite you to dinner tonight there will be so many new guests and visitors from the planet earth as well!" "Why sure I would love to go!" " excellent I'm very happy that you agreed! now come this way!" With that I followed her to what seemed to be car it was big and long and inside looked like a lounge area "well what do you think?" "It's so amazing!" "Now hop in we don't want to be late!" We arived at a beautiful palace that looked like a castle and a futuristic building at once we passed through the front gates and into the courtyard there the lady and her small dog hopped out of the car me as well "now follow me I cannot have you looking like that!" With that I followed her inside and up some stairs and into a room that looked like a clothing warehouse "now let's see what I could do!" She put me into a very pretty dress on the top had a white v neck and long sleeve that went pass my hands and the skirt was dark red with a bow and a flower ribbon around my waist and my shoes was dark crimson red with tights "there and it fits you well!" "Oh wow I look like a princess!" "Yes you do! Now let's go down stairs and greet the guests!" "Ok."

Mr awaiza pov

WHERE IS SHE! She's not there at the fountain like ochako said why did I let her hand go! Now she wondered off and who knows where she went! While I was thinking about every situation that eri could get into ochako, bakugou, yaoyorozu came up "where's eri?" "She's gone she wasn't here when I got here." "Well where the hell would she go?" "I don't know." "Well as much as I want to find her what about the others that you left at the entrance of the place you were going to take us?" yaoyorozu was perhaps right maybe eri was with the others but that is unlikely "besides there's security guards around I'm sure eri is at a lost and found child care center we can come get her when the dinner is done." "Right after!" With that me and my students went to the others that was waiting but some part of me wanted to drop everything and find her. I could tell that ochako and yaoyorozu was upset that they left eri behind "it was a mistake and I hope you learned your lesson." "Yes sir." When we got there things got worse apparently ida while we were gone went back to the hotel to see if eri was there but she wasn't he even went to midorya's room and asked if eri was there and now midorya has joined the party "DEKUUU WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!" "Ahh kacchan I was here to see if I could find eri and I guess I'm apart of the group now "tchhhhh! Whatever." "No fighting I have enough on my mind already and it's not about to be you two!" "Yes mr awaiza!" "Tch whatever!" "What about eri mr awaiza?" "*sigh* we will have to wait until AFTER the dinner to find her." With that me and the students went into the palace for the dinner.

Eri pov

All the guests were dressed like fancy people I see in movies some had black suits while others had white and the lady's had long fabulous looking dresses they look so fabulous that it reminded me of princesses that I see in movies "are you in joying the party eri?" "Yes ma'am." "Please call me miss kurumi!" "Ok miss kurumi can I ask something?" "Sure what is it?" "Why is everybody here dressed like fancy people from Princess movies that I've seen?" "Well this is a fancy party and everyone want to looks their best!" "Oh I thought it was a fancy princess dinner party." "It's ok now you know."
"LADIES And GENTLEMEN may I present Deku of Japan successor to all might!" Everyone clapped as mr Deku walked in. I tried to go over and talk to him but everyone was crowding around him so I left him alone perhaps I could talk to him later "eri before the dinner starts May I show you your seat?" "Ok." I followed miss kurumi to where I would be sitting the table was divided one half of the table was for the other not so fancy guests while the other half was for the super fancy people, I was sitting at the fancy side where miss kurumi was sitting "wow what a nice table and it's big! The biggest table that I ever seen!"
"I know right? Anyways wait here very young Eri The guess should be taking their seat soon!"   "Ok." And you know what as soon after she said that the guest started to sit down at the table, I didn't see Mr Deku at the fancy side so I wasn't able to talk to him. Soon everyone had taken their seats at the beautifully big table then they at the head of the table was the fancy man he gave a speech about stuff, I didn't really pay attention because I was too busy looking for Mr Deku but I wasn't able to see him through the grownups heads though I thought I heard someone's voice and it sounded like they said my name but I don't know who it was so I just continued looking for Mr Deku. The fancy man finished his speech and with that the chefs came out with all these wonderful food like chicken and Ramen noodles and sushi and whatever! Most of the foods that I've seen were there but also foods that I haven't seen but they look delicious and I also tried some as well which was really cool but halfway through the meal I heard someone's voice from down in the less fancy side of the table The next thing I knew I saw a chicken wing flying across the table and with that it's set up a trigger of events that led to a food fight assuming that Mr Bakugo started that. Then the food fight got even more chaotic because then the adults joined in and it seemed like everyone was having a good time the only people that were really horrified was the fancy guy the fancy little kid that looked like him and miss kurumi and all the other really fancy people on the really fancy side of the table. Then the dog that I helped miss kurumi earlier ran on the table all on the food and went down to the Food fight and then we heard people screaming that there was a dog on the table. Then I heard a scream that kind of sounded like ochako's voice when mr Bakugou dropped a 100 pound dumbbell on her foot. I heard screams and cries bloody murder from that part of the table and one voice stood out from all the others "DEKU YOU BASTARD!!!!" I was for sure now that mr Bakugo was here as well as ochako. But as soon as the food fight started it ended with a voice booming louder that everyone's voice "ENOUGH!!!" Everyone paused to see who said that but then some cleaners called by the fancy man came out to start cleaning up the mess meanwhile everyone was put outside until everything was cleaned up I was going to talk to Miss kurumi but she was talking to someone already I think it was ochako but it was to dark to tell  so I went to look for mr Deku. After spending what I believe to be 15 minutes looking for him I heard someone say my name again and I turned around to see who said I but when I turned around I was smothered in someone's body like they haven't seen me for years and is now giving me the biggest hug to make up for the lost time. "Hello can I help you?" "Eri I'm so happy I found you!" "Mr awaiza?" "Yes it's me." "Oh I thought you were someone else." "Eri what happened I went to the fountain and you weren't there!" "Oh that's a long story." "I have the time."

Note: TvT I love eri soo much and this chapter was one of my favorite to write so far! Anyways two chapters in two days in a row let's goo! Also if your wondering when eri heard someone call her name the first time it was mr awaiza he noticed her from the 'less fancy side' and was very surprised to see her here and after the food fight (that denki started) he went to look for her TvT it warms my heart to think about that! Anyways thank you for reading this chapter and have a nice day or night! :)

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