(chapter: 8) Training troubles

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Note: there's a time skip here I skipped 7 days and there will be time skips in this chapter.
also I had no idea what i should call this chapter so I called it that.

Uraraka pov

I woke up to find momo humming a song that jiro was working on before we left I had no idea what the song was about but the tune sounded good. "Good morning momo!" "Oh good morning ochako why your up early again and I'm glad that I caught you." "Why?" "Well because you have been leaving early and returning late and I just wanted to see if anything was alright." "Oh I'm fine I'm just seeing a friend." "Oh well I'm sure you don't want to keep them waiting. Also I washed your pe uniform it was a little dirty." "Oh thank you momo!" With that I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom to get dressed. After I got dressed I grabbed my bag and put my water bottle and my pe uniform in it "bye momo!" "Ochako breakfast isn't till 8 what are you going to eat?" "I'll manage." With that I left our room and went to the elevator. My roommates aren't as bad as I thought I just needed to stay out of one of them's away the rest are nice like momo for washing my pe uniform and kiri who tells nice story's about his experiences. The elevator dinged to the first floor I've been training with miss kurumi for a week and I got to say my quirk limit and abilities have gotten better! She really nice and a great teacher! As I ran out of the hotel I grabbed a piece of fresh bread that they usually have out everyday it's a nice snack to eat besides I won't eat till after my training so I might as well eat the bread.  As I run through the city the Beauty never cease to amaze me I guess Mina was right this is an romantic place.... "ah mid ochako nice to see you again!" "Thank you Alfred." "The mistress is waiting for you inside." "Thank you Alfred!" "Happy to help ochako!" A lot of the household workers liked me they knew I came everyday and I always seamed to make them smile. "Ochako nice to see you again today!" "Nice to see you as well miss kurumi! What are we working on today!" "Well we will get to that but I want to introduce you to my son and husband since you keep coming every day I thought you should get to know them." "Why that sounds nice!" She led me to the great hall next to the dinning hall where me and Deku took on Bakugo with mashed potatoes and a turkey. "This is my son Alberto." "Hi I'm ocha-" "I know who you are the maids talk about you." "He's a bit grumpy today but he Will behave and be nice." "Whatever! Sorry I was rude..."  "anyways this is my husband Steven!" "Nice to meet you Ochako." "You too Mr. Steven!" Alberto had dark brown hair with tan skin and a simple v neck shirt and some jeans and his eyes were aqua blue. Steven was a little plump and also had tan skin and had brown hair with white streaks in it he wore a fancy suit and tie and the color of the suit was dark blue. We chatted a little bit manly me and Steven and kurumi Alberto stayed quiet he seemed not interested but I didn't care. After we chatted we went to the training room Alberto followed I don't know why probably to watch me fail or something. "Now Ochako change into your pe uniform so that we can train we don't have that much time you only have 5 days left here and I want to make the most of it." Throughout the next two days I've been training about using my Abilities to manipulate the speed of objects in the gravity but it's kind of complicated to explain but I noticed throughout the time here Alberto was a brat he wasn't a nice person to be around and when I was around him he was nasty and when miss kurumi asked him to do some Friendly sparing he went completely nuts and beat the crap out of me although I did bear the crap out of him and I don't think he was going to forget that. "Ochako I'm an pleased to announce that your training has concluded." "What but I'm sure there's more to learn." "You need some time to have fun as well you don't have to long before you go back home." "Your right I guess." "Well if you want to be helpful can you and Alberto go pick up my new dresses?" "Why sure I'll be happy to go." "What why me?" "You need some fresh air for the last two days you have been rather grumpy so the walk should make you feel better especially for the party Tomorrow night." "Whatever." That me and Alberto went into town to go collect miss kurumi's dresses. "Nice day for s walk isn't it Alberto?" "Whatever there's no sun it's just loos like there is." "Wow I'm just trying to be nice." "Ok you do that and I do me." "Ok Bakugo." I mumbled he was giving off Bakugo vibes "what was that?" "Nothing!" As we walked down town i looked at all the different shops they had. We got to the store that had mid kurumi's  dresses. "There you go I hope the queen likes it!" "If she didn't like it why did she buy it!" With that Alberto left the store with me following him right after "you know you didn't have to be that rude to him." "He said something stupid so I corrected him!" "Mmmmk Whatever you say." "OCHAKO URARAKA!!" "Huh?" "Your with a boy!" "Mina no!" "Oh my god!" "You know this girl?" "She's one of my crazy wants me to get a boyfriend classmates!" "Oh." "I'm totally telling!" "MINA!" Mina ran off before I could even finish her name "Mina don't you dare tell anyone about this misunderstanding!" I quickly caught up to her but she used her quirk and threw acid on the ground which tripped me up a little bit. We eventually got to the hotel well I was about a minute late because of what Mina did with her quirk but still! Is this what Bakugo feels like when denki is being a smart ass? "Ochako I'm surprised you show up here early you usually come here late. But anyways how are you doing it's been a while since I've heard from you." "She's with a BOY!" "Mina I was only helping him deliver the dresses that his mother ordered which I know his mother because she's the one that has been helping me over the course of last week!" "*sigh* ashdio next time ASK before you jump to conclusions." "Yes Mr. awaiza."
For the rest of the day nothing really happened except me and the girls got together and played some board games watched a movie together talked about what we've been doing for the last week then it was time for dinner which we came down and ate and then separated I read some school books before I went to bed you know it would help to review all of your school subjects so that you won't Forget it all and then have a pop quiz and completely fail. "Ochako are you excited for the dinner tomorrow?" "Yeti am And just in case of a certain someone starts another food by I'll be ready to team up with you know who to defeat you know who." "You know I can hear you both!" " I didn't intend it to be a secret Bakugo. You know dam well that me and Deku can beat your but at a food fight!" "Meh I Doubt it." " OK then explain to me how I was able to you in the face with turkey and then Deku hit you with mashed potatoes." "Ehhh you got lucky," "Bakbro, uraraka let's not start now." "Fine." "I'm going to fucking bed y'all should too. tomorrow's going to be a long night." "Aww bakubro Thanks for caring!" "Shut the fuck up shitty hair!"

Note: I'm excited.

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