Chaper 11: normality/epilouge

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Two months pass and the Prime minister hears the loud noise of trucks outside and happily exclaims the army is here, at least the two months they'd been waiting felt like ages.

Edith got up and walked outside with Lyle and the prime minister once they got outside they saw green camo trucks with boxes of the cure with doctors wearing white coats and masks around their faces sitting in the back.

Edith and Lyle was so happy to see the boxes of cure finally made it around the world all thanks to her.

The doctors got out and loaded the equipment onto the floor and the  Prime minister ordered his men to help pick up the boxes and take them inside, Lyle said he'd help.

Suddenly doctor went up to Lyle and told him that they will be the first people to take the cure.

Lyle said they are more than happy to take it and carried the box inside into the auditorium. 

The prime minister went onto the stage and announced to his people that these men are doctors here with a cure so they don't turn if they get bitten.

Everybody clapped knowing the day was finally here.

The doctors unloaded the boxes of syringe and viles of cure and each doctor put the syringe point in the vile and squeezed the plunger down making the blue liquid go in.

One doctor held  a syringe up and asked who wants to go first? Lyle pushed Edith forward and said she deserves to go first after all she did save everybody and got the vaccine out.

Edith smiled and sat on the stool on the stage and looked away and the doctor put the needle in her arm, the doctor pressed the plunger and the liquid went in, the needle came out and the doctor put a plaster on her arm.

She smiled and got up and hugged Lyle happy she had been the first one to take it, they set the next needle up and filled it up and Lyle said he'll go next and sat on the stage and they injected his arm and then took it out and ran off the stage and hugged Edith.

Sam looked up at the needle on the stage and shook nervously, he was aftraid of needles but Edith was a good sister and encouraged him to go next, Sam took a big gulp and walked up the stage stairs and sat on the stool and Edith could see him shaking and she shouted to look away from the needle.

Sam took the advice and looked right as they put it in and took it out, it was as quick as that.

Sam ran off the stage and hugged Lyle and Edith was happy Sam overcame his fear.

The prime minister took his next and told the team of doctors to go and give the people in the chairs the cure now.

The doctors moved into the chairs and sat by each resident and injected them.

They were now cured and couldn't get infected and couldn't turn when they were bitten, everybody was safe.

Everybody clapped and cheered and the prime minister called for a drink but the doctor chimed in and shouted that you can only drink a week after the cure sets in.

The prime minister handed orange juice to everybody and they all drank in celebration clapping for Edith it was a joyous day.

One of the doctors went up to Edith and thanked her once again for bringing the dentists cure out, she said she wouldn't have succeeded without the help of Lyle and her brother Sam, the doctor thanked Lyle and Sam and gave a bow and they walked off outside back to their jeeps.

Edith and Lyle went outside and watched as the doctors drove off and waved to them, they waved back at Edith and Lyle.

Edith, Lyle and Sam were so happy and they were glad to be safe again.

They went back inside the building and carried on with their day, the prime minister warned residents side effects may include stomach aches and head aches but thats nothing to worry about it was just the brain getting used to the cure that means it was working.

Five days later of doing the usual busniess in the opera house with the residents a news report came on the projector on the stage and the report said people around the world getting the cure.

Edith smiled knowing she did a good job she felt good now everybody that was left in the world was safe.

The news showed the opera house community being cured saying they were the first people to get it.

Edith was happy but Sam was sad because all this wouldn't bring their parents back, Lyle comforted Sam and said Lyle was here to protect him like a father and not to worry, Sam said he sees Lyle more like a brother and hugged Lyle.

In the chairs somebody ran outside and outside the walls were the undead were and the prime minister, Lyle and Edith ran after the man, they watched as the man took the arm of an undead person and bit into it's arm, the prime minister asked what the guy was doing and to get back now.

The undead person slowly grew his skin back and his eye sockets came back into place and he stopped slouching and started talking instead of grunting and moaning and the person asked what was happening and it was nice to be outside. Edith's eyes went big  and told the now human to come into the opera house and the prime minister told the residents to come outside and look because a bite just reverted a human.

The residents came out and everybody had the same idea and they ran to the horde and bit them in different places, they all grew limbs and their skin got clear again and started talking like normal human beings, the residents asked the humans to come and join them in the city and start reverting undead back into humans. They all agreed and they barged into the city and started biting every undead they saw and they all reverted back into humans.

Edith had an idea and asked Lyle if they could go back to the house so they could bring back their parents, Sam looked up and jumped up and down in happiness.

Lyle agreed and they got into the car and buckled  in and drove all the way back to Melbourne watching humans eat undead and turn back into humans it was an amazing sight.

They arrived to Melbourne and pulled up at the house and Sam and Edith got out and walked inside, the house looked like it was after leaving it and having nobody in it for months.

Sam and Edith walked into the kitchen and saw their parents on the floor leaning on the counter and Sam reached to his mom's arm and Edith reached to her dads arm and took a bite at the same time.

Suddenly the parents skin grew back and eyeballs went back into the sockets again and they got up and started talking about how much they missed Sam and they got in a group and hugged Edith and Sam, Lyle stood back watching it was a beautiful sight.

The parents asked were Edith's braces are?, she said she got a dentist to take them off, the parents told Edith she'll have to go back to John to get them fitted back on, Edith said she promised to brush her teeth and take care of them, her parents were convinced and smiled and let her keep them off, Edith was so happy.

Her mom asked who is Lyle pointing to him and Edith explained he protected her and he helped find a cure.

They thanked Lyle and asked if he had a place to stay and he said no and Edith's mom offered Lyle to stay at the house if he wanted and be a member of the family.

Lyle smiled and said he'd like nothing better and Lyle lived with Edith and Sam and their parents and together they were a happy family again.

The people in the streets brought back  Doctor John and he reopened his dentistry and his workers were happy to find him alive and continued to work for him.

Edith went on six month visits to the dentist regularly and she kept her promise and kept her teeth clean.

Everything was fine and dandy and back to normal like non of this ever happened.

                 The end

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