Here's where the Fun begins

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A soulmate usually only comes once in your life to shake things up,
Show you true love , and stand up to you in ways no one else has.
They adore you, yet challenge you to reach for your fullest potential.
A soulmate relationship isn't only peaches and cream, it's roses and thorns.
Relationship Rules

For a while they lay on the floor. The pillows were comfortable enough, but sometime in the middle of the night, they made their way to Rey's more comfortable bed.
Ben stayed the entire night, holding Rey in his arms,and continually kissing the top of her head as she peacefully slept.

He wanted to ask her the question that had been simmering in the back of his mind all night, but he got carried away in their amazing , earth shattering , mind blowing, love making and it temporarily slipped his mind.

He wasn't going to let that happen again.

Now was the time.

Right here, right now, in this bed. There was no better place he could think of .

       Rey stirred in his arms, the soft warmth of his breathing tickling the back of her neck.
             She felt so peaceful and calm and most wonderful of all , protected.

     She didn't get around to asking him the question that was the most important question anyone could ask another person.

        Now she had him right where she wanted him. In her bed, where he belonged ........forever.

              He had spooned her up against his chest and she had to loosen his grip  so she could turn to look into his face.

        " Good morning Babe."    Ben smiled was bright and cheerful as he closed the small gap with his face and planted a first morning kiss on her lips.

      " Good morning to you too."  She softly answered.

         Suddenly she felt  a strong wave of nerves over come  her.  But she pushed the unwelcome anxiety down into the pit where all her worries and stress went.
  Now was  the time , before he had to leave  their quite sanctuary  for the cruel bleak world.

          He noticed her agitation and touched her face to calm her , it worked immediately.

    "Ben there's something I want to ask you......."

  " There's something I want to ask you too."

"Oh, okay. You go first."  She figured it was something simple , like where did she keep the Starbucks coffee in her kitchen.

   " No , you go first."  He thought maybe she wanted to ask him what he thought of last night. Which was incredible,by the way.

" Oh no, you go first......

"after you please......."

   They bantered back and forth like that for the better part of ten  minutes until Rey half in frustration grabbed his face and said,

" Ben,why don't we just ask it together!"

          Taking a deep breath they both blurted out at the same time........

       "Will you marry me?"

Rey could hardly see Ben's face through the happy tears that sprang from her eyes. She threw her arms around him and pulled him close for a spontaneous 'thank you for being in my life' kiss. It was hardly adequate enough to help him understand how she felt about him.

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