Feeding a Hungry little Monster

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                                                                    My atoms love your atoms. It's chemistry.....Atticus

           As much as he hated it , Ben had to go up to his place and get ready for work.
He smiled to himself at the vivid memory of last night. His nerve endings still thrummed and hummed with Rey's expert administrations.

           He couldn't just up and leave after what they shared. First they had dinner together.
She made them fried catfish and jambalaya, which was quickly becoming his favorite. It was spicy and full of flavor , just like the woman who made it.
         Then just because she wanted to, and he didn't object.......she stripped Ben naked and gave him a erotic massage.
She had made her own blend of oil. A combination of sweet almond oil , rose, Chamomile and neroli.

          Ben crinkled his nose at it at first but then decided it was very relaxing and calming.
She lit several candles, which lent their glow to the room, casting shadows of her own nude form.

Mature content follows**********************

       It was Rey's fingers that caused the opposite effect on him, getting him turned on and stirring up a primal need in his blood. Maybe it was a combination of the spicy dinner and what she was doing to him but he began to feel like he was burning from the inside out and the outside in..... a raging inferno.
          First she had him laying on his stomach.
She started on his back and shoulders, making kneading motions like she was making bread. Then she worked her way down his back to his butt cheeks.
'Oh bloody Hell' he thought. ' I could get used to this.'
It was like she had some kind of special force abilities , like a lightning storms was pounding out from the tips of her skilled fingers.

         She could feel where he was tense and knew just were he needed a little extra attention.

"Ben, my gosh , you are full of kinks and knots." He groaned when she found one particular sore spot on his neck.

"Rey, don't get me started on kinks." He teased. " I think you have a few that I'm gonna have fun finding out about."

She playfully spanked him.

"Oh , there's one now!" He barked.

" You just wait Benjamin Solo. You are in a very vulnerable state right now. I could do anything to you , take anything I want right now and you couldn't do anything to stop me."

         Ben's mouth began to water as he felt her roll him onto his back. She momentarily walked away from him and he felt slightly abandoned. He missed her warmth.
But she was quickly back with a handful of more warm oil.

      Now time for the real torture. Her expert fingers messaged his chest and up and down his arms. He closed his eyes and nearly fell asleep.

         But then his eyes popped open as she came within centimeters of his hungry little monster. She had awoken the beast and it reared it's head , ready for it's next meal.

          But she still teased and tormented him, going down his left leg and stopping to massage his calf and thigh. Then went to his feet for an agonizing five minutes each.

Finally, finally she began ascending up the right leg. Why was she being so blasted careful about not going near his groin?

As if teasing him was her main aim in life, Rey knew what she was doing... the inferno she was causing was reaching boiling point .

"Rey......" he growled. "Rey, what are you doing to me?"
He tried grabbing her, but she swiftly dodged his advances. "Not yet,darl'n, but soon."

        He groaned again and cursed. She felt a moment of sympathy for him and thought about ending his agony now,  but she was getting a little bit of payback , and she enjoyed making him beg.

Again she left him briefly then came back with another handful of oil. "Close your eyes Ben." She whispered seductively.

He did what he was told as he knew better than to argue.

He felt the pressure of her hands now on his chest. Up and down they went , slick with oil .

Slowly she went down to his belly and by then he was panting. 'Please' he thought . ' please Rey, just a little further down.'

Finally she released him from his exquisite torture.

Gently Rey took his member in her hands and began running them up and down it's considerable length.

It twitched and jerked under her palms.

Tenderly she swirled her thumb over the sensitive head.
Ben gasped and his hips bucked . He knew he couldn't hold on much longer .

Finally Rey took pity on him when his breathing came gasping and raspy.

" Keep your eyes closed Baby."

He squeezed his eye tightly and waited for her next move.

Her body was accustomed to stretching and moving fluidly from yoga and she gracefully threw her right leg over his hips.

      Her slim hips were encompassed by his large hands as he guided her to his hungry little monster.
   Finally it was going to get fed.

Smoothly and ever so slowly she impaled herself on him, then began rhythmically rocking back and forth.

      Ben had never been so close to Nervana before. Was it the incense that was burning?
   Or the combination of her fingers and the oil?
Was he having an out of body experience? Can the spirit leave the body during love making?  His soul met hers somewhere out in the Cosmos and blended together seamlessly.

He felt like he was watching them from high above, seeing their slippery naked bodies intertwined.

She sealed her lips over his and his senses returned to him just in time for a bone crushing orgasm to sweep over him.

This time they shared the mind blowing, earth shattering orgasm together.

They both felt the beauty in the moment........

"Mr.Solo...... Mr.Solo......." The secretary waved her hand in front of Ben's eyes. He blinked several times until her face was in focus. "Huh, What?"

Oh shit, he'd been daydreaming again!

"Mr. Solo the members from the Nagasaki Resistance corporation are waiting to hear about your brick."

Oh yeah, this was only the most important moment of his life and he was dreaming of Rey's talented fingers.

He stood up and shuffled his papers around. 'Damn I need a few more minutes!'  He thought frantically.

He was utterly besotted with a certain Cello playing, yoga practicing, Cajun cooking, massage expert.
She brought the sun shine and acceptance back into his dreary lonely life.

She was the sun and he was the moon. And together they formed a perfect Eclipse.

He smiled broadly when that image came into his mind. Now there was only one thing left to do.......

She needs another love song.

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