'Flying Solo'

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' We all want that person who makes us calm in the Soul and Crazy in the flesh' ...  J m Storm

This time the ride home was uncomfortable and tense. Ben was seething and Rey could sense it. Finally she tried to brake the tension but it backfired horribly.

" Funny about those dinner reservations, I guess something went wrong." She tried to brake the heavy silence. " we can just go back another time."

" I can't believe that woman cut up my credit cards!"  He was still in disbelief at what happened  at the theater.

"So , it was a little mix up." She tried to soothe him. "Just call the bank tomorrow and sort it out. It's no big deal."

" No big deal?" Ben glared at her, " Rey , you don't know what your talking about!"

" Yes , I'm sure it's horrifying for everyone to stare at you and accuse you of being an wanted criminal." She tried to stifle a laugh behind her hand.  " Are you an escaped convict from Alcatraz? Funny I didn't see any wanted posters. Is there a reward for tuning you in?" Her eyes sparkled with mischief. " I could use a few thousand dollars right about now."

" Ha , Ha, Rey . Maybe you should just keep your mouth shut!"  

"Yes sir!"   Rey held her tongue from speaking anymore jabs and figured she'd gone to far with her teasing.  And now he'd gone and hurt her feelings.   She was just a bit frightened of his temper  as well.  She really hadn't seen him this mad.  There was definitely something he wasn't  telling her.

     The whole evening was a complete disaster, and Ben knew exactly who was to blame.......Bee Bee Ate.   It was very , very jealous little lap top.

       They screeched to a stop in front of their apartment building and without another word , Rey jumped out of the car and bolted to the front door.

      Ben was mortified with his petulant, childish behavior . Why  did he always say the wrong things when he was angry?  He couldn't let this night end so horribly wrong.

       " Rey , wait....... please..... I need to talk to you..... let me explain."   His voice was pleading and full of remorse. He immediately regretted speaking to her that way and she needed to hear his apology. It seemed he was always apologizing to her .

      He ran up to her as she was  reaching for the door. He grabbed her hand and felt how cold it was. He could tell that she had been truly afraid.

       Before he could utter a word  she spoke first. 
"Ben, you can't go yelling and throwing  temper tantrum's every  time something goes wrong. You just need to think it through. Most of the time it's not that bad."

      He looked sheepishly at the ground and took  his scolding.  She was so good for him,  giving him stability and balance.  She calmed his soul and at the same time made him crazy for her physically.  She reached up and tenderly took his cheek in the palm of her hand. He reacted by pressing his face into the warming hand.

         Was this what true love felt like ? Seeing each other's tempers and dark side and still  forgive them ?  Accept the complications and roll with the punches and hold on to each other for dear life?
           He had yet to see Rey go dark. He didn't think she  even  could and he wasn't about to do anything else to test her.

       He wanted to follow her into her apartment and continue their date more intimately but first there was something he had to deal with in his own home.

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