Love is love

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                                   Always go for that intimate, insane love and that crazy sexual passion...... author unknown

There is a music video  up above , By Culture Club

Rey felt her body relax under his embrace and sighed.
It felt so good to be back in his arms, she missed how protected she felt when they were around her.

         With his right hand he gently pushed her head down against his chest and she could hear his wildly beating heart.
With his left hand he rubbed the small of her back. 
        He smiled to himself as he felt her arms go hesitantly around his waist.
     She was adorable in her stretched out Seahawk sweat shirt and yoga pants, her eyes all red rimmed and swollen . She was still beautiful.

Rey still wanted to be mad at him. Did he deserve her forgiveness after abandoning her that night?

She was taught to forgive and forget. To be understanding and compassionate. To hold on to anger and hurt pride was just injuring herself.

She couldn't live like that. She was of the light and that kind of darkness just wasn't in her.

Ben walked over to her sofa, Rey tucked under his arm, and sat to have a long discussion and apologies. He wasn't sure if going straight to the bedroom was a good idea yet.



Well, there was an apology but the long discussion turned into a make out session.

Ben couldn't wait any longer to feel her sweet lips on his again. They ended up on the floor, and on top of Rey's yoga mat.

"Hey,". She whispered in his ear,  "What if we don't like each other?" 
" One of us will have to move." Ben teased.
    "Hey, what if we don't like each other?" He repeated .
" One of us will have to move."   Her breath tickled his ear as she murmured  those words back to him.

           From all her yoga ,Rey was very flexible and Ben happily learned she could wrap herself around him in very interesting and erotic ways.

They took pleasure in each other again. This time slowly and methodically. Rey setting the pace. A furry cat came around the edge of the couch and curled up against Ben's side. It's soft fur felt oddly nice. Ben never had a pet growing up.

" When did you get a cat?" Ben asked Rey .

" Um, not long after you broke things off with me. I needed something to cuddle and a rescue pet was a good option."

Ben felt again a twinge of guilt. Why had he treated her so poorly? He wanted to beat himself up for all the lost time they could have been together.
     He kissed her again on the silky skin of her brow.

" I'm so sorry Rey. Let me make it up to you. I'm such a god damn jerk! You deserve so much more than I could ever give you!"

She smiled sadly at him. Then her smile turned into a huge grin. She had a delicious idea. One that she had to let drop to the way side because she didn't think she ever get the chance , but here it was presenting itself to her.

She sat up quickly and blurted out her heart's desire.

"Let me braid your hair!"

"What?" He laughed incredulously, how crazy is that!

"Ben ever since I saw you my fingers have been itching to sink into your incredible thick hair. Please, please, please let me play in it."

He gave her a half hearted smirk and she squealed in delight. Jumping up she ran into her bathroom to grab a hairbrush and tiny hair bands.

Ben sat up right on the floor, nestled in between her legs. Sitting behind him she picked up the brush and began running it through his hair.

Oh lord, the thought. This is pure heaven. He had never experienced anything like someone slowly brushing his hair. Going to the barber to get a trim was nothing like this . He closed his eyes and fell a little bit more in love with her with every stroke of the brush.

Rey being a southern girl , could talk a blue streak and had plenty to tell Ben about her childhood in Alabama and all her experiences. Some good some not so much.
Her parents had abandoned her on the doorstep of her grandparents home. They were too poor and young to take care of her.
So she was raised be her beloved grandfather. Her grandmother didn't live long enough for her to remember much about her, just that she made the best homemade biscuits and gravy and sang beautifully in the church choir.
Rey got Ben to tell her more about his life in San Francisco and even where he got his idea for his brick design. It had come from his own personal tragedy.
His family perished in earth quake. But he wasn't going to tell her that or how he was the only survivor. He only wanted to tell her happy things.
When she began tell him of her interest in Eastern religions and meditation he thought her strange but remarkable for braking the mold that was expected of her and following her own heart.

Rey created four neat corn rows on his scalp.

     She sat back and he turned to show her her handy work

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     She sat back and he turned to show her her handy work. She was quite pleased with the results but wasn't nearly done with him yet.

         "Ben ,". She said solemnly, " would you let me balance your Chakras?" 

     He looked at her as his she had asked for one of his kidneys to feed to the cat.


     "I can tell by your depleted aura that your Chakras are totally messed up. Your base Chakra is unbalanced, that's why you feel so ungrounded. Your feeling unstable, ready to run away, insecure..... right?"

     Ben looked at her again, his eyes widening. How did  she know he'd been feeling off lately.

         " I think your Sacral Chakra is a bit better better after we ....... You know ..... had sex.  That opened it up a tad ,  it it still needs a lot of work."

      Well , if that meant a lot of sex , Ben was on board.  He wouldn't argue with her there.

      " Your Solar Plexus Chakra ," she continued without stopping for breath ,   " I sense is severely depleted, your self worth and self acceptance are so low I can hardly detect it . As for your other  Chakras , I'll have to do a complete  crystal cleansing to get a  accurate reading."

               Ben just let her talk until she had it all out. He had learned you couldn't stop her talking about that mumbo jumbo until she ran out of steam.

        But this mumbo jumbo is what made Rey.......Rey.   If she wanted to tune into some higher cosmic power and talk to crystals he wasn't going to stop her.  Hell , he had a talking lap top in his apartment that ran his appliance and helped him write love songs.

         Maybe it was time to try again. 

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