The Man is The Figure

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:'D i wish i could draw this good-

Kokichi's POV

I ran home all excited and worked up, i went to get ready and texted my precious Shumai, which he answer back as always and we talked for a while, i went to our meeting spot, it was a small pond with adorable fishes and filled with beautiful flower.

I went there, but being a tad early, so i sat down and laying down on the beautiful flowers, with the amazing scent and i wonder who took care of these flowers.

Like they look so pretty, and they all already bloomed, and its nice to see it bloom

There are so com-


I flinched and turn around as fast as i could, it was Tsumugi..what is she here for?

"hey Kokichi, wasn't expecting you here. What are you doing here, huh? "
She crossed her arms, and i stood up and make a simple excused with a small expression, and she went off but she bumped into Shu shu. Damn it!

"Oh? So you weren't meeting with anyone? "
"S-shum-Shuichi has nothing to do with this Tsumugi, so shut up! "
"What is going on? "
Shuichi was confused, while Tsumugi and me had an entire argument while Shuichi just watch us fight..

Really Shu Shu-

I pushed Tsumugi, dragging Shumai with me

Eheuegeehsgjsbsje im touching shumai-
I fell but Shumai caught me, we were so close, a little too close. I was just blushing again as usual and Shuichi sighed, wanting to ask me something but i was too busy on my panting, controlling my breath

Pant.. Pant... Pant..

Shuichi's POV

There's so many confusing things going on, and i want to ask something but Kokichi is panting so i'll just wait till he's done, might take a while but i dont mind waiting i guess.

I looked around, we are in an alley way and i guess it was a good private place to talk at

"So... "
Kokichi broke our silence, I was gonna say something till the same man, who was following came and i dragged Kokichi, Anywhere is not safe-

Now we end up being at Rantaro's house, i slowed down as Kokichi fell down and basically hurt his ass. Oh well, but right now that not the point the person was still following us and im pretty tired, Rantaro opened his door and dragging us in

Before i say something, Rantaro slammed the door and the person walked away. Does Rantaro know this person?

Kokichi was red and flustered, while Rantaro sighed and dragging Kokichi to upstair, leaving me in the living room. I just sat down on the couch and Rantaro went down with Kokichi, they were both calm, while im still shaking in fear from the man, Rantaro patted me and Kokichi took out something, it looked sharp and hid it again. Rantaro comforted me and i calmed down

"Who was that man following us? "
The room went silent and entirely silent , no one was speaking and Rantaro and Kokichi looked at each other, Kokichi nodded and Rantaro sighed but he sounded all sad

Rantaro basically explained

I was silent and went to hug Kokichi, Kokichi was shock and made all flustered noises, i patted his head comforting him and Kokichi was crying and all flustered

"You guys can stay with me, the only problem is the bed since i only 1 bed at the guest room"
1 guest bedroom?


I turned around to see a Fainted Kokichi, Kokichi was on the ground and his face was red very much, Rantaro sighed and carried Kokichi to the guest room, which i am guessing

(Rantaro obtained Fainted Kokichi 👌)
"Feel free to explore, Shuichi!! "
Rantaro yelling at me, probably at the bathroom for the small echo,  i went to the kitchen, Its so does he keeps the house so clean while liv-

"Excuse me"
I turned around to see someone, in a certain maid outfit and She looked at me and i looked at her while moving aside, so she could clean up

I wonder who she is, i went walking to the living room again, looking at the hot tea with very obvious smoke and the maid sat down and sighed in relief, we both looked at each other but the maid went back on cleaning

I decided to go and search for Kokichi and Rantaro, i opened the door to see, no one.

There was no one in the guest room, there was chattering in another room, i didnt invade their conversation, i just sat down to realized the maid isn't here anymore

Perhaps with Rantaro, maybe

I yawned and went to the bedroom again, to see Kokichi sleeping so peacefully. Its adorable..

I'll just sleep on the floor, i sat on the floor and slowly and surely i feel asleep.

Rantaro's POV

Poor Kokichi, why does he have to exist!?

But either way, Kokichi went to sleep and i'll just go to sleep, sure Kirumi wouldn't mine guarding the house again. Its been so long she have worked for us, its like been years we've been friend and now best friends, but i never told her about Kokichi's true self..

Im sorry Kirumi, but he might actually kill me if i do.

Either way, what about Shuichi? I heard his footsteps getting louder then slowly disappearing.. Perhaps he wanted to ask something, Whoops-

But either way, i hope its not important.

(Why Because i forgot it yeahh-)
I layed down on my bed, snuggle myself in the blankets and staring at the ceiling thinking, how did he escape from Prison?

Just sleep, and hope everything will be okay for tomorrow morning..

??? 'S POV

I need to kidnap that blue haired boy, no matter what but that maid is guarding the house. Maybe i could trick her? yeah i'll do that

Fuck you Kokichi, give you revenge to put me in jail

(I dont know, i just made a very short POV for no reason-)

Kirumi's POV

Mr am- Rantaro told me to guard the house, just for today. I wonder why but i dont mind, but either way

I placed a chair at my spot for my casual guarding, i spotted a black figure and i have my taser. Rantaro told me to have it, just to keep myself safe, Thank you Rantaro

But that's not the point right now, i need to guard that certain black figure and i know it notices me. Why is it here? Who is it going for? The figure is very obvious and doesnt hide well, it looks like an adult?

I shouldn't hold my taser yet, it gonna alert and prepare the figure immediately
Is the figure lost or actually planning to attack us, either way better to pay attention on it

Its been 3 hours and it isnt moving at all, i went closer to it and realized that was a cardboard cut out of a figure. Before i knew it, i was knocked out cold...

"You're Different from the Others" Yandere  Kokichi x ShuichiWhere stories live. Discover now