Chapter Three

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     Everyone keeps looking at me, and I know exactly what they’re looking at. It's impossible to have this scar on my face and not have anyone stare at it. Right before I went in to the auditorium, my father reminded me why I have this scar. It's a constant reminder of the pain I had to suffer. I hated it. It made me feel so ugly... So useless. After everyone juoed down the hole, we were all grouped together. I stood by Christina and Beatirce, excpet now she goes by Tris. I guess name changes are the new trend. Four, the man who pulled everyone off the net gave all the new initiates a tour of the Dauntless compound. To say I was a little intimitaded was an understatement. People all over the compund were screaming and yelling. It almost reminded me of what it was like to live with my father.
     After the tour, we all went to our bunks to change our clothes. I let out a small breath when I saw that my bed was next to Tris's. Thank God I was slepping next to someone I could trust. Grabbing the Dauntless uniform, I quickly changed into it. I was comfortable, but very different than from what I was used to in Amity. These were leather and tight fitted, while the unifrom in Amity was colorful and loose. I liked the dark uniform though, it stands out less than the Amity clothing does. I looked over to my left to see a small mirror mounted to my side of the wall. I sat down on my bed and ran my fingers over the scar on ym face and my eyes burned from tears I was fighting to hold back. I was finally out of my father's grip, but was left with a daily nightmare on my face.
"Four is calling us into the dinner hall, let's go, I'm starving." Tris saying, pulling me out of my thoughts. I nod quickly and follow everyone to the hall. The smell of all the food swirled in my nose, even before we walked into the hall. My stomach growled and I was surprised at houw hungry I was. Although, I wasn't used to eating. My father never let me eat.
     I sit between Christina and Tris and wait to eat as someone starts talking about the new initiates and how we are supposed to accomplish so much. I wasn't paying attention to   most of it but when he finished, I started piling things on my plate. I was about to take a bit when someone bumps into the back of me, making me drop my fork on the ground. I let out a huff of air and turn around to see the same man I saw after we jumped onto the roof.
"If you thought jumping off the roof first was going to impress me, then you have other things to worry about Scarface." The man said. I hated that name. it isn't the first time someone  called me that. I heard it all the time in Amity.
"First off, I didn't jump because I wanted everyone's attention, I jumped off becase no one was brave enough to take the first step, so I did. Second off Eyebrow Freak, I hate the name Scareface. No one calls me that." I huff.
"What did you call me?" He growls. I roll ym eyes and and a small grin pulls at the ends of my lips.
"You call me Scarface and I'll call you Eyebrow Freak, deal?" He had nothing to say. Our little argument had everyone's attention and I could every eye on my. I hated it. I already had enough eyes on me with me scar, I didn't need anymore. I pushed myself out of my seat and glared at the rude man before leaving to go back to my bunk room. I didn't even get to enjoy my meal! Eyebrow freak ahd to ruin it for me.
     When I finally made my way back to my bunk room, I didn't even bother turnign on the lights. Not because I was tired, but because I didn't want to see my scar again. I sat in my bed and that's when it happened. Slowly, pain-filled tears dripped down my cheeks. I was ashmed of my scar. I didn'y look happy, honest, brave, smart or humble. I looked scary, useless, terrifying. All the children in Amity were scared of me because of my face. I was scared of me. Looking back to my left I saw the ghost of my reflection and squeezed my eyes shut. Without another thought, I ripped the mirror off the wall. I didn't to see my face at all. As I threw the mirror onto the floor, the lights flipped on. I looked up to see Four standing in the doorway. I rolled my eyes and faced the floor.
"Have you come here to scold me for talking back to whoever the hell that was in the hall?" I ask quietly. Four walks over to my bed and looks down at the empty spit next to me. I slightly nod and he takes a seat.
"No, I'm actually impressed. No one talks back to Eric." I shook my head and chuckled. Eric seemed like the kind of person who has a huge ego and knows it.
"Maybe it'll be a re-accuring act." I chuckle back. I look over at Four who is shaking his head.
"I wouldn't make it a habit. Eric cna be ruthless, I wouldn't get on his bad side." I rolled my eyes and looked back to the ground. "It's about time for lights out. I would consider going to bed early, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow." Four mumbles. I nod my head and look up one more time. Four lifts from the bed and takes one more look at me before he says,
"You know, it takes one to know one."

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